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that night, ayato aishi couldn't sleep. he lay on his bed, eyes fixed on the ceiling, but his thoughts refused to grant him the solace of sleep. his brain was too occupied with reminding him of the day's events. not only was he able to walk his dear y/n home instead of that dastardly shinji kimura, but he was also able to gain intel on y/n's current relationship status. she wasn't interested in shinji!

then again...ayato could've simply gone to the info club and asked rihito himself, but something about y/n saying it herself made him feel at ease.

however, this does not mean that shinji will stop trying to make y/n fall for him. he's not one to easily give up. ayato should know. they've been in the same club for the past few years. he's come to know everyone's personality on the surface level.

what if when ayato and y/n are dating, someone tried to coax her out of the relationship to be with them? ayato grimaced at the thought. who would in their right mind try to woo someone else's girlfriend in hopes that she would break up with her boyfriend and get with them?

lots of people in akademi high school would do that...yet, even with y/n's reassurance that there was no romantic connection between her and shinji, ayato's heart couldn't help but ache at the mere thought of losing her and being happy with someone who wasn't him.

his mind relentlessly played and replayed the notion of her slipping through his fingers, a tormenting reminder that his happiness hinged precariously upon her feelings.

unable to endure the suffocating thoughts any longer, ayato swung his legs over the edge of his bed, his feet finding the cool floor beneath. the moonlight filtered through the curtains, casting a muted glow across his room as he walked in a daze toward the bathroom. the cold water tap squeaked as he turned it on, and he cupped his hands, splashing his face with icy water.

his reflection stared back at him in the mirror, droplets of water clinging to his features like unshed tears. but as he patted his face dry, he realized with a start that he had indeed been crying. the realization hit him like a freight train, a raw and vulnerable emotion he hadn't allowed himself to acknowledge until now. the idea of losing y/n to someone else, particularly to shinji, pierced his heart with a deep, searing pain.

a mixture of anger and desperation bubbled within him, his hands clenching into fists at his sides. the resolve within him solidified, and a dark determination settled over his features. if it meant securing y/n's heart, he'd go to any lengths necessary, even if it meant crossing unspeakable boundaries. the thought of eliminating shinji from the equation crept into his mind, a sinister yet compelling notion that sent a shiver down his spine.

there are so many possibilities, many of which ayato will have to get his hands dirty. but who is to say that it's not easy to cover up his trial? the school doesn't own cameras— not just yet— because the student council is always lurking around campus to keep an eye on things.

it should be easy to get by them though. ayato knows them all too well. and fortunately for him, megamo saikou has gone away from school for a while under mysterious circumstances that he has not disclosed to anyone. even then, megamo has still managed to keep up with his schoolwork by attending class on a laptop and has also been able to manage the school's student council by attending meetings via video call.

megamo is noticeably upset about this; he strongly believes that he should be attending school like a normal student, and is resentful of his current situation, although he is not at liberty to explain the reasons for his absence. but that's beside the point. he has proved himself to be a powerful target and ayato would hate for him to return just as he's about to start dating y/n.

megamo the heir to saikou corp, the most powerful business conglomerate in japan. he is impossibly wealthy, a certified genius, has extensive self-defense training, has excelled at everything he has ever attempted to do in her entire life and has been trained to possess all of the qualities of a perfect leader, to prepare him for the day when he will inherit the family's company.

he is also the most handsome boy in school, the most popular boy in school, and the student council president, too. if megamo was at school right now, then ayato would certainly have a bigger problem to deal with. not only would he have to worry about y/n falling head over heels for someone who is impossibly better than him, but nothing gets past megamo saikou, especially the ideas that were now floating in ayato's mind.

ayato suspects as soon as megamo arrives back at school, he will do everything in his power to protect the school's population — that includes installing security cameras, hiring security guards, and instating a zero-tolerance policy for suspicious behavior. this is bad news for ayato because he hates shinji so much that he just wants him gone.

there are so many ways to kill a rival, but some of them (i.e., burning them alive, matchmaking, expelling them, crushing them, drowning them, framing them for murder, or poisoning them), took so much time, effort, and risk. and with friday just around the corner, ayato concluded that he needed to make his move quickly. so quickly that shinji and y/n won't even know what what hit them.

looks like ayato will have to opt for the simple route to get rid of a rival. he has no other choice but to kill shinji kimura himself. but he doesn't want this leaking out to the public and y/n hearing about her best friend dying. she will get so upset...it's just better for her to believe that he left akademi and is now ghosting her for some unknown reason.

slowly, ayato stepped away from the bathroom mirror, his eyes burning with an intensity that mirrored the storm brewing within his heart. "tomorrow..." he accidentally said out loud and then slowly exited the bathroom. tomorrow is thursday. he'll have to kill shinji tomorrow.

as he returned to his room, the shadows seemed to dance around him, echoing the tumultuous thoughts that raced through his mind. he knew he was entering a treacherous path, but the prospect of possessing y/n's affections was a siren's call he couldn't resist, even if it meant embracing the darkness that lurked within.

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