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ayato aishi always knew that it was going to be a hard task getting y/n to like him. after all...he has been watching her for quite some time and because of this, he has come to take note of what students at akademi high school are lining after his beloved...well, the info club may have lent a helping hand to point him in the right direction, but that's beside the point!

one of ayato's rivals goes by the name shinji kimura and what was the worst part of this was that he just so happened to be in the art club. same as ayato. not only was he a worthy opponent artistically, but he openly talked about his crush on y/n to the other members as if it was nothing. but who could blame him?

y/n is the type of woman that ayato would love to bring home to their parents (after they come back from their cruise, of course).

still...shinji talking about y/n in that type of way really irked ayato, even more so whenever he has to act like his words don't phase him.

these factors really got under ayato's skin, especially during the times shinji blatantly lied to their club's leader— geiju tsuka— about leaving early for some sort of appointment or family emergency, but it's all a lie. how did ayato know it was all but a blatant lie? simple...ayato can usually catch a glimpse of shinji meeting up with y/n just a few feet away from the art club's room. he just found it unfair and disgusting how he has to keep his mouth shut.

ayato has always kept a close eye on shinji when he received word from info-kun that he was going to try and confess his feelings to y/n under the cherry blossom in the back of the school.

the legend goes if you admit your feelings to someone under it at the end of the week, they are bound to accept your love confession; therefore giving the location of the school the 'confession tree'. ayato was never big on rumors or legends, but one truth remained in ayato's cryptic mind: he could not let shinji steal something that is rightfully his.

"uh...aishi?" a voice fearfully called out to him. with the coldest eyes imaginable, he shoots the person next to him a glare only to find that it was just maka tansei. "you're, like, abusing that brush..." she pointed at her classmate's firm grip around the tool. he didn't even notice that his knuckles had turned white.

"oh. sorry." he apologized.

"is...everything okay?" maka awkwardly asked. she and ayato were far from class. in fact, no one in the club even bothered to talk to him. he didn't care. he liked things that way. silent. it gives him time to think. "you seem a little tense..." she noted.

of course, he was tense. ayato couldn't bear the thought of y/n being taken her away from him. a burning desire to keep her by his side forever lit his heart ablaze. ayato's eyes narrowed with determination as he clutched his fists, the brush quivering in one hand from his strength, his heart beating like a drum, the echoes of his obsession resonating through his very soul. "i'm fine." he lied.

"are you sure?" maka pressed.

"yep," he replied in his notable monotone voice and he side-eyed maka tansei until she finally got the memo that ayato didn't want to talk to anyone at the moment. after realizing this, she left and returned to her canvas that stood on the other side of the classroom. and as maka abandoned ayato's side, his mind slowly returned to y/n.

the room seemed to darken around him as he fantasized about all the ways he could protect her, how he would ensure no one could come between them. his love for her bordered on an obsession, a desire so consuming that he would stop at nothing to make her his. but he didn't care if he came off as creepy. no one else could understand his motives, not even rihito and that's saying a lot since he's the face of the info club. he's seen a lot of shit.

alas, rihito always finds ways to poke fun at ayato during their little chats which was a shame. ayato always thought that rihito was the only person in akademi that could at least partially understand his love for y/n, but no. that's far from the truth. as soon as ayato comes to him for assistance— whether that be directly or over text— he always ends up the end of info-kun's jokes. but he can deal with it at the moment. getting upset over something as minuscule as this could ruin his overarching plan to get y/n.

he was a fool to trust someone other than himself. no matter. it doesn't make rihito any less useful. just makes him more annoying to talk to.

and as he stood amidst the chaos of his thoughts and the desolate art classroom, ayato's mind swirled with thoughts of how to make her fall for him completely, to intertwine their lives irrevocably. the world outside faded away, leaving only y/n in his mind's eye—the woman who had unknowingly become the center of his universe.

oh, he can't wait to see the look on her face when it's his turn to sweep her off her feet...

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