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ᴀᴜᴛʜᴏʀ'ꜱ ɴᴏᴛᴇ: sorry for the late update, everyone! i have to debate on how i should end this book and instead of doing the typical "kidnapping y/n" thing, i am going to go another route to be a bit different, especially since i already did the whole kidnapping thing for my closing shift book! 💗


"there he is..." y/n gasped when she saw the nearing dark-haired boy approach their school's gate. "hi, ayato!" she grinned as she waved dramatically at him. the sight was enough to bring a smile to his face as he reciprocated her actions, but his wave was much less enthusiastic.

"hey," he replied.

"okay, so, i'm guessing everyone here knows each other?" y/n stepped in between their circle and looked between her friends and ayato who all muttered their own little answers to confirm this. ayato nodded his head and, well, he's guessing that y/n's friend group only knows him because they kissed at his party. after all, they were talking about him earlier. just thinking about how many sets of eyes were on him made him sick, but he didn't want to back out. he didn't want to waste this chance of getting closer to his crush. "sweet!" the h/c-haired girl smiled. "let's go!"

since none of them had a car, they all had to walk to the karaoke bar. luckily for them, it wasn't that far away. "wait." one of y/n's friends, himari fujita, spoke up and stopped walking. in turn, everyone else did too and looked at her, wondering what the hood up was. "this is a bar we're going to?" she questioned, eyebrows furrowing. "y/n...are they even going to let a bunch of high schoolers in?"

"yeah, i called in beforehand," she replied. "it took a while to bribe them, but it's safe to say i got through to them. the lady on the phone told me that they'll just put us in a room furthest from the bar..." she explained before she suddenly rested a hand on ayato's shoulder who stood a mere foot away from her, pulling him down to her height. "can't you believe this, ayato? she has so little faith in me." she laughed before letting go of him.

after a few minutes of walking around the bustling shopping center in the heart of japan, y/n led the group to the karaoke bar where she checked in. "would you like a private room?" the man behind the counter looked at the teens.

"how much would it be?" y/n asked.

"¥1,000 per person and ¥500 for thirty minutes," he replied. y/n turned around and gave her group a quick once over. there are four of them in total and they planned on staying here longer than just a measly thirty minutes.

"okay..." she bowed her head and began shuffling through her wallet. "i'll cover everyone and pay for the first hour, alright?" she told the group, much to the surprise of everyone else. she sure is being generous. what's gotten y/n in such a good mood?

"are you sure? i can always pay." ayato stepped forward. his parents made a decent chunk of money, enough that he could get a reasonable allowance each month. he hasn't spent any money recently other than brief convenience store runs whenever he needs to grab something to eat. it would be a pleasure buying for this outing, especially with y/n by his side. who knows, maybe they'll be here for a few hours. these things usually last two to three hours.

"no, ayato, that's okay," y/n looked up at him, smiling. she appreciated the offer, but she had it. "i was the one who invited you. it wouldn't be fair to you if i made you pay for everything." she explained and with that, ayato backed off her case and watched as y/n paid for everything. funny how none of her other friends bothered to speak up about it. it's fine...ayato assumes that they'll be the ones to cover food.

as the door to their private karaoke room clicks shut, the atmosphere buzzes with excitement. miyuji, the energetic one of the group, wastes no time breaking the ice. "alright, who's gonna be our first singer?" she rubbed her hands together, smiling mischievously as she turned to look at the group. ayato already knew that she planned on choosing him, given that he was the newbie, but he had to fight off letting out a sigh of relief when y/n turned toward her friend to reply.

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