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ayato has locked himself in his room. he stared at his reflection in the mirror in front of him, nervously preparing himself to catch y/n's attention. if rihito had the gall to ruin his and y/n's kiss, then ayato was going to make sure to get another one from here where he knows no one else will disturb him. the loud music and chatter serve as a distant backdrop as he removes his shirt and pants, leaving him in his boxer briefs. and because of how cold and lonely his room was, his nipples couldn't help but become hard. no matter. he didn't care.

the more desperate he looked, the more attention he'd get from y/n. but he was just missing one thing. walking over to his bedside table, ayato clumsily puts on cheap plastic glasses which he had stolen from the party earlier, hoping to hide his eyes, his most vulnerable feature.

taking a deep breath, he exits his bedroom and descends the stairs, stumbling slightly due to his nerves. when he finally arrives downstairs, ayato puts on a mask and pretends like he is drunk. confident. the lack of his attire caused him to get a few strange looks from his classmates.

he weaved around the crowd and looked wildly for y/n from behind his glasses. 'maybe she's outside...' he thought and let his mind wander to her possible reaction to him. hopefully, info-kun will take some photos of all of this.

his dick twitched at the idea and while the erotic fantasy seemed exciting at the moment, he didn't want to embarrass himself. not just yet. that's specially reserved for y/n and her alone. he needed to get her alone. that kiss couldn't have been for nothing, right? he needs to lure her into his room and that's where he'll make his move.

finally, ayato was able to reach the sliding glass door that separated him from the main party to the backyard. all he can hope now is that y/n is here and she didn't leave the party so soon...it didn't take him long to find his beloved among the crowd. some were swimming in his family's pool or off to the side; dancing, talking, or doing whatever makes their puny hearts happy.

throwing caution to the wind as if it meant nothing to him, he steps into the backyard and— luckily— is about to spot y/n on the other side of the open space, and his heart races. well...here goes nothing. "wassup, people?!" he intentionally slurred his words and didn't walk straight. yes. this was his plan.

pretending to be drunk and by coming out of his comfort zone, ayato must raise his voice and be the center of attention. after all, he wants y/n to see him. he knows her well enough to believe that she will come to his aid in no time. he didn't care that all eyes were on him nor did he care for the erection in his underwear that was just begging for release.

y/n— from the other side of the open space of the backyard— spots ayato and her eyes widen at the sight in front of her. "i...sorry, guys, i'll be right back..." she excuses herself from her friends and rushes to his side, resting her hands on his shoulders to steady him. ayato's heart flutters at her touch. "just what do you think you're doing?" she looked at him with a mixture of emotions swirling in her e/c eyes.

anger. fear. disappointment...

"what does it look like i'm doing?" he lets out a small giggle and then leans in closer to her face. good thing he's had a few drinks tonight, so his breath no doubt smells like booze. "i'm partying!" he stated.

y/n shakes her head at this. "why don't i take you to bed instead? doesn't that sound nice?"

ayato puts on a sloppy smile, grateful that his glasses obscure his true emotions. "yeah..." he whispered.

"come on, ayato," y/n cooed, a soft smile on her lips, "let's head back inside." she beckoned him back to the building and then entwined her hand with his. he followed in pure bliss.

as they slid open the sliding glass door and passed by the living room, ayato's act intensified. he playfully wobbled, feigning unsteady steps, and y/n rolled her eyes, her cheeks flushed with a mixture of amusement and concern. but just as she was about to question him, ayato's arms wrapped around her waist, pulling her close to his body. her eyes widened.

meanwhile, he rested his head on her shoulder, nuzzling affectionately.

"you're so niceeee, y/n," ayato mumbled, his voice low and slightly slurred, amplifying his act. he felt a surge of satisfaction as he noticed some of his classmates snapping pictures and exchanging knowing looks. good. now they all knew that y/n was his and his alone. and no one could come between them. "and so prettyyyy."

y/n's heart raced at the sudden intimacy. she bit her lip, glancing around at the curious onlookers, but couldn't help but feel a strange flutter in her stomach. "uh...t-thank you?" she stammered back a reply.

after a lingering moment, the pair finally pulled apart, and y/n took his hand once more. trying to brush off the intensity of the moment, she laughed lightly. "you're something else. i, uh, think you should lay off the booze next time, okay? let's...just get you upstairs."

with a playful wink, ayato let y/n lead him upstairs to his bedroom, the crowd and the party noises fading as they climbed.

when they got to ayato's room, y/n made sure to close the door behind them, leaving them in a more intimate space. ayato leaned against the nearest wall, hiding the mischievous glint in his eyes. "wasn't that fun?" he asked, a self-satisfied smirk playing on his lips.

y/n rolled her eyes, but couldn't help a small laugh. "you're unbelievable." she wrongfully mistook his statement and ran with it. she believed ayato was referring to him waltzing out there in front of all those people in nothing but his boxer briefs, but this is far from the truth.

in actuality, he was talking about his little stunt in the living room. being so up close and personal to y/n gave him a thrill that he couldn't explain.

"only for you," ayato replied, his tone softer, his act giving momentarily way to a more genuine sentiment.

y/n shook her head, a fond smile tugging at her lips. "come on, ayato. you don't know what you're saying," she said softly, her voice carrying a mixture of exasperation and tenderness, "you really need to rest." she never pegged him as the drinking type, but here they were.

he gave her a lopsided smile, his eyes half-lidded, attempting to keep up the façade. "yeah, yeah, i got it." he dismissed her and climbed into bed. and as y/n tucked the blanket around him, her fingers brushed over his forehead, and she instinctively reached down to comb a few unruly strands of hair away from his eyes.

in an instant, ayato's heart raced, his grey eyes widening as he looked up at her. their faces were so close that he could practically feel her breath on his skin.

his pulse quickened, a mix of anticipation and nervousness washing over him. he wanted to close the gap between them, to finally bridge the distance he'd longed to erase. his gaze flickered between her captivating e/c eyes and her lips, unable to ignore the magnetic pull he felt toward her.

before he could gather the courage to act on his impulses, y/n straightened up, adjusting her posture as she cleared her throat. "alright, ayato, try and get some rest. i...guess i'll see you at school tomorrow?"

he blinked, his momentary trance broken as he watched her awkwardly step away. disappointment clouded his eyes as he fought the urge to reach out and pull her back to him. but his beloved turned when she reached the door, her gaze softening as she looked over her shoulder, a warm smile curving her lips. "goodnight, ayato," she said softly.

ayato managed a small smile in return, his heart still ramming against his ribcage as he replied, "hm...goodnight, y/n..."

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