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ᴀᴜᴛʜᴏʀ'ꜱ ɴᴏᴛᴇ: apologies for the short chapter, i'll try to make the next one a bit longer!


the next day at school was a blur. ayato could only think of that night in the closet. did the kiss mean something, anything at all to her? "hm..." ayato glanced over at his instructor only to find her slowly starting to stray from the topic they were supposed to be learning. not that he cared because his mind wasn't in the classroom so to speak, if anything, ayato found himself zoning out more than usual today. with that being stated, his dark eyes shifted away from his teacher and focused outside the classroom's window.

he's so attached to y/n—he wants to learn more about her hobbies, her voice alone is enough to make ayato yearn to hear her drone about her interests for hours on end. it's cute. he wanted to be hers so badly that it physically hurt him to think of y/n being with anyone else.

it's just so exhilarating being with her.

he has never felt this alive before. he doesn't care what baggage she holds on her. ayato just wants to be hers, to have the opportunity to call his girl. he wants to dedicate his life to learning more about her. ayato would be there for the lowest of lows and the highest of highs.

as long as he's with her, he doesn't care what happens. "aishi," the booming voice belonging to rino fukahori— the teacher assigned to class 2-1— through his reverie, causing him to flinch. ayato didn't react vocally to her strict tone, he merely looked up at his instructor with a curious expression as his way of asking 'what did i do wrong'?

rino pushed her glasses upward, so they were now perched perfectly on her nose as she cleared her throat. because he was deliberately called out by her, the classroom's attention shifted to him, sharing his quizzical manner.

"why don't you translate the passage i left on?" she requested.

"o...kay?" ayato should've expected this from mrs. fukahori. he wasn't fully paying attention and as punishment, his teacher sought to embarrass him because she figured that he had to be terrible at speaking the troubling language since he was never paying attention in class. still, ayato tried to fight a smile as he retrieved his textbook off of his desk because it would seem that mrs. fukahori seemed to forget that he always achieved near-perfect scores on every exam or pop quiz she tossed at him.

standing up, ayato looked between the words in front of him back to mrs. fukahori for some sort of direction.

"start from the second paragraph on page 42." she directed.

"thank you, sensei," ayato nodded appreciatively. his dark eyes flickered with a mix of annoyance and indifference, but he complied, following through with what mrs. fukahori out of fear of being called 'disobedient'. he flipped through the pages until he found the assigned passage. he cleared his throat and began reading, "the sun sets over the horizon, casting a warm glow over the tranquil landscape." his ease left his classmates and even rino momentarily stunned.

"well, that was...unexpected. good job, aishi." mrs. fukahori praised, astonished how ayato's pronunciation was unexpectedly accurate. well, almost accurate. still: his reading made the punishment lose its intended effect.

"the riv-er flows gently, reflecting the colors of the sky." as soon as the notorious challenge that 'r' presented itself, it stumped ayato, prompting his japanese accent which added a unique charm to the otherwise routine reading. the english 'r' is an unusual sound, linguistically.

the teacher, feeling partially defeated whilst the other half was trying her best not to laugh at the mistake, interrupts him, "ayato, you've done well, but i think we've heard enough. please take a seat." she ordered.

embarrassment tinged ayato's cheeks when mrs. fukahori halted him, not expecting it. "oh...alright." he mumbled. he, now back at his desk, folded his arms over it, resting his head on top. his gaze drifted back to the window, seeing how it seemed to begin to rain outside but the raindrops created a calming rhythm, yet his thoughts continued to dance in turmoil, uncertain of the implications of that unexpected kiss.

did y/n enjoy the kiss? what did this make them? should he try talking to her, or will that make things too awkward?

just as ayato was going to close his eyes in hopes of sleeping it off until the next class, the bell rang, announcing the end of the class and the beginning of cleaning time. students hurriedly rose from their seats, grabbing cleaning supplies, whilst ayato found himself amidst the sudden chaos.

the teacher, still slightly flustered, dismissed the class. sadly though, ayato was in no rush to join his classmates for cleaning time since it could only mean his chances of running both into rihito and y/n have increased dramatically.

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