Loki's Lost Spirit and Akechi's Wager

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Persona 5 Strikers – From Light and Dark

By Tayla Drago

Episode #7 - Loki's Lost Spirit and Akechi's Wager

What!?! Loki is back. Who was Fallen One? Akechi's Shadow? The one who was in love with Keiko? He was killed after saving the Phantom Thieves' lives. And... Who's now a wandering ghost, and weak? Okay then, but why was he in the real-world bothering Akechi and Keiko to feel him out first...what was going on here?

—------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Tayla: Persona #18 - Loki = powers of unleashing rage mode from within

—------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Akechi: What do you want?!

He tries to keep Keiko close to him to not let Loki get away again 'or so they thought'.

Keiko: (I know I did change Akechi's heart to still be himself and a Phantom Thief member, but Loki was separated out of his body. And here he is-!) Wait, Akechi-Cun, look. Loki's much different than the last time we saw him. He was killed to now become a...)

Now Akechi notices as well like Keiko just did.

Akechi:  ...! You're a ghost!

Bingo! That's what Loki is right now to not be a threat and is a ghost to be very weak, to still be wandering around to not be moving on to the next world yet.

Loki: I am dead, yes.... I just can't pass on without completing something first...As weak as I am, I can't hurt any of you even if I could...I just wanted to talk with something I can give to you, my other self.

Akechi: Hey! You try to ruin my life and try to have sex to pregnant my Princess! Why should we listen to you?!

Loki: Suborned as always, I see...I may've been stubborn and almost trying to take over your life, but you've won fair and square.... Keiko, I just wanted to see your face again.

For some changes to still have feelings for Keiko to never change with Shadow's behavior.

Keiko: I see you still have feelings for me, Loki, are you sure you're not here to get even?

Moving around like a real ghost he was, I think they'll be fine.

Loki: See? I can't even hit any of you...Damn, it still sucks. Besides, I'm not here to get my revenge...In fact, quite the opposite...I'm asking for your help to be a bigger enemy in the Metaverse for what've witness...Someone has murdered my stepfather Odin and stepbrother Thor in that world, a bigger threat...has created Jails for human's Kings this time. Demiurge has a twin itself.

Keiko and Akechi: What!?!

Remember from the Holy Grail of the Fake Igor was really Yaldabaoth for the Phantom Thieves to have beaten? Yeah, but this one is like a minion clone of it to be far different and very deadly to threaten all worlds.

Loki: It's a lot to explain about other Demiurge, but I'll try to make this story short...When I was killed and when Queen Lilith the one who used you guys to work for Yaldabaoth himself, when some Shadows get killed who are not part of someone or is free...we go to the afterlife, but if only it wasn't taken over by his other clone; for this one is far different to take over a human with wicked desires it has to create something brand new. Like a parasite type to be weak at first to find a human host with sicken desires to have he or she in full control to lie and trick them to have anything they want, and once it's gotten hold of your body to go from one world after another...it's strong enough to kill those Shadows all the way from Asgard to spread even worse to other human all over, starting with yours...mostly in Japan. Once your Desires of gems which are shaped like hearts, you'll turn into those parasite monsters. Or in other words...Gegasites.

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