EMMA - Demiurge

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Persona 5 Strikers – From Light and Dark

By Tayla Drago

Episode #65 - EMMA – Demiurge

A very sad story that was, huh? Yeah...Now entering the Tree of Knowledge – Hall of Contracts for the Phantom Thieves were also in the location where EMMA was in 'with Dr. Guru and Sango having other plans in mind for all of them'. For Keiko/Joker, Akechi/Black Crow, Morgana/Mona, Ryuji/Skull, Ann/Panther, Yusuke/Fox, Makoto/Queen, Futaba/Oracle, Haru/Noir, Sophia/Sophie, Zen/Wolf, Hitomi/Kaguya, Aika/Picaro, Hans, Ellen, Loki, and Raiho were ready to save everyone's Desires, stopping all the Gegasites/Sentries, their queen, and stop the curse of Pandora's Box. All of it has finally come to an end. I think Loki already told his side of his true story now since he was brought back to life.

Loki: As much as I hate repeating myself on long stories of my past, don't make me say it again, got it? I know what to do so let's get this thing done.

Everyone else gets it, even Raiho too.

Akechi: We knew you were good all along, Loki, really.

Zen: Once his Shadow to become a Persona of a pure hearted guy.

Loki: Oh, shut it. Heh.

That meant he was happy deep down.

Keiko: Don't worry, Loki, we're and always will be on your side. Huh? .... Right, stay on guard, team, Here comes two bigger Sentries.

She was right. Right around the corner where the entrance they needed to be in, guarded Sentries brothers of huge rocket launchers in their hands ready for battle.

Akechi: Double the trouble I see.

And much stronger they each come across with.

Mouthpiece of God: Tell us, why are you resisting this gift from your god? You'll live on in a tranquil world, free of all pain, yet you oppose it with such fervor......

These guys wanted to know; well this is why....

Zen: Because it's bullshit! If something sounds too good to be true, then it probably is.

Yusuke: Tranquility born from a lack of thought is nothing less than the death of the self!

Mouthpiece of God: How tragic......Brother, let's do this.

Transforming into some type of robot angels for them to fight them off.

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Persona #84 - Metatron = powers of laser eye beam shooting

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------More Gegasites ready to fight off the Sentries Fake Shadows, the Phantom Thieves stop them each with their moves. The Shadows of Gods.

Shadows of Gods: You won't join, then we kill you all!

As the Phantom Thieves used their Big Moves on them both – from the left, for some of the group...

Ryuji: Batter up!

Yusuke: Go down and fall!

Morgana: Transforming and charge!

Akechi: Good-bye, bulls' eye!

Loki: Ha! Straight up!

Zen: Earthquake Boom!

Hans: Out of our way!

.... Even Raiho helped too, and on the right had the others doing the rest of the work too.

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