Confession and Witnessing

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Persona 5 Strikers – From Light and Dark

By Tayla Drago

Episode #16 - Confession and Witnessing

From beating Alice Shadow to give up her Medallion 'having two now' to also have a change of heart too thanks to the Phantom Thieves....her Jail was gone of power only to still be there, the people's Shadows are now free, with their Desires back, no longer Gegasites, other ones killed, the big gem energy goes away, and all was clear in Shibuya Castle Jail to be ruined. Still—the area of the Metaverse didn't go away to be far different to stop other energy cores than just one. As Kaguya and Picaro were getting their memories back little at a time. Having friends to be humans on what they look like once; they were happy to hang out with two other girls, one boy, and two older women. With more to find, the same with Loki on his end. With the others returning back in the real world to hopefully see the people back to normal and not buying any of Alice's things to confess on TV tomorrow; Ryuji, Ann, Yusuke, Makoto, Futaba, and Haru go home for today; with Keiko, Akechi, Morgana, and Sophia back at Leblanc getting ready for bed. Lying on the bed for the two couples and Morgana on his cat bed, Sophia talks to Keiko again through her cell phone about what she has learned today.

Sophia: [Hey, Keiko.]

Keiko: What's up, Sophia?

Sophia: [Ann was very with Shadow Alice earlier. By the end though, she appeared happy. Why is that? Wasn't she angry at Alice?]

How does Keiko explain this to Sophia? An AI to learn about human feelings.

Keiko: They understood each other, they love modeling. Ann finally shared Alice's feelings.

Sophia: [Okay....Anger is not just for hurting people. It is also able to save people.]

Akechi: It depends too. Sometimes in life, it's not enough. It can be very difficult.

Keiko: It's true. I hope that can be true all the time though.

Some things can happen, while others sadly can't change too much.

Sophia: [If someone is in the wrong, anger can be used to show them the error of their ways. The human heart is such a mystery......But thanks to you, I've gained valuable experience. Thank you, Keiko. I hope to learn more from you.]

Keiko: You're welcome, Sophia. Come on, let's get some sleep.

Time for bed then.

Akechi: Good night.

Sophia: [Night.]

Morgana: Good night, everyone.

Sleeping well for the three and Sophia on sleep mode from Keiko's cell phone...During the night, Akechi was sweating, tossing, and turning a lot to be dreaming about something far more than getting threatened by him and Keiko a year ago. It was something to be about the kids of five and two other adult women who helped them out. From Kaguya and Picaro? And what about the other twins Ellen and Hans? This was getting weird...From looking happy and such to then something goes dark to end it all, even in murder.

Akechi: No....! Stop! Stay away from them! Leave them alone....! STOOOOOOOOOOOOOOP!!!

*gasp* (What? A dream...? No, it felt real. It was like someone who wanted me to see everything. But who did it and why? This past of children and murder, I don't like any of this.)

Freaky dream, huh? Still, this could be important in a case from Akechi and Zen once worked on to also be an unsolved case somehow. So it does have something to do with the Kaguya twins after all. As for the other three are unknown who they were, just not yet.

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