What the hell. I am not at the house, im at a fucking FRAT PARTY...
"Y/N? You fucking made it I can't believe it WHAT!!!" Tana comes up to me.
"Hell YEAH this is lit, COME ON!! DANCE WITH ME!!" Tana pulls me to the dance floor.
I let my self loosen up a bit and i try my best to dance but i'm pretty sure i looked like a moron with what i was wearing.
"Hey who's this hottie Tana?" Some cute guy came up to me and Tana.
"Diego!! Can't you see we're totally getting down right now..!" Tana responds.
"Alright alright I'll leave" Diego says as he walks away drinking his "punch"
Who was that guy? Wow..
"Oh him, that's Diego he's pretty well known around here." Tana replies.
He's kinda cute.? Diego was his name?
"Mhm just be careful with that guy you never know his next move" Tana says.
(they drink more and more)
WOOO! As i get more and more wasted I dance even more slutty and seductively until i hear people chanting the name...
"NO ONE BEATS ME!!" Kevin says putting his shot glass down and cheering with the other guys.
NO WAY!!! THATS MY BROTHER??? I say with my mouth wide open in shock.
"What are you talking about girl, I think it's the punch umm Kevin only has a stepsister named... named... y/n..." Tana realizes.
Yeah. That's my life now Tana god it sucks living like that. I complain.
"Are you kidding? Being rich? Getting anything you want? Having a cool family? Isn't that like a dream come true??" Tana says confused.
I wish. That boy is something else when he's not around you guys. I say.
"Oh shit Gabbie's here, um let's catch up later alright??" Tana suggests as she walks away.
"Hey beautiful, I didn't get to quite introduce myself earlier." Diego comes up sounding kinda seductive but kinda drunk so.. (but so was i)
Yeah? Diego huh? That's a hot name you got there isn't it.. i say kinda flirting back but in the corny drunky way.
"Haha come on lets get down to this shit already, umm?" Diego realizes he never found out her name.
It's y/n. And yeah cute boys like you deserve all the dances they want i say running my finger across his lip as i take him out to dance.
"NOW ITS TIME FOR THE HOT CHICAS OUT HERE TO SHOW WHAT THEYRE MADE OF!!!!!!!" The DJ says putting a spotlight on a stand allowing any girl to step up and dance.
Umm im not doing that shit. I look fucking stupid. Actually im gonna go i have something a little more partyish?? I dress a little more.. umm like those hookers from down the street but like high school edition. I feel fucking delusional.
As soon as I walk out Diego's face immediately changes. "Thats quite the look." He looks kinda like shocked.
Umm does it look alright? This is a good look right??
"That's one way to put it i guess! Hey y/n you should totally dance on the spotlight." Diego suggests.
Ooh alright. I wait for the girl in front of me to finish and i get up and start getting down and I meant my ass was in the air everything. It was all fun until well.
Diego went up to Kevin. "See dude she's fucking killing it." Says Diego.
"Yeah? Who is she?" Kevin asks as he takes a sip of the "punch"
"Her name is y/n and-" diego says
kevin spits out the punch and looks at me seeing me dance all whorey and slutty he shouts my name.
"HIJO DE LA GRAN VERGA" kevin says as he sees it's me.
Im pretty much moving my hips very sexy and seductively when I hear..
SHIT!! The music stops and the spotlight goes to Kevin. Everyone's eyes are on Kevin.
"GET OFF Y/N NOW" Kevin shouts as I climb down. I hear laughs but then the music continues and the next girl dances.
"What the hell are you doing here y/n" kevin asks me.
I could ask the same don't you have errands to run? I question him.
"This isn't about me this is about you." Kevin responds.
"The girl who hosted this party is my best friend and she invited me." I said
"So when you ordered and uber you really came here? Is that why you didn't want me to take you? Kevin asks.
Well... (flashbacks to last chapter) not exactly but i guess so??
"Well you're not staying you look like a whore and you're my younger sister basically so we're going." Kevin says grabbing my arm and taking me out.
Oh come on live a little Kevin! You're much cooler than i thought you drink shots and party. I thought you were just a douche. I say
"Umm thanks?" He starts the car and is annoyed im the reason he had to leave early and posts a story about it on insta.

Se Llama Obsesión |Kevin Alvarez| |Diego Lainez|
RomanceIt all started with a promise.. is what your new step brother Kevin makes very clear as your life changes. Maybe for the better. Maybe for the worse.