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I wake up, not in an airplane but a bed. What the hell happened?

I get up and my head hurts like hell.

im in a hotel room with two beds a tv and all that shit.

there's a note on the drawer that reads "morning chiquita.. or should i say drunkie?? i carried your drunk ass to our room. You're staying with me. Love Diego."

¡Pinche borracho! He's the reason i even drank. As for the other name.. let's not go there. He owns the word small.

Diego walks in after.

"Morning, how's the hangover?" Diego asks with this weird smile.

Umm it's alright. Did i really pass out on the fucking flight?

"Nah. I made that shit up and your ass flew from the airplane to you hotel bed." Diego says giving me that "stupid ass bitch" look.

Alright alright. Where's Kevin and Azalea?

"They're on some corny outing." Diego says.

Where to? I ask.

"Does it really matter?? It's just you and me now.." diego says touching my chin.

You're crazy. I say putting Diego's hand down and rolling my eyes.

"Yeah yeah. It's all just jokes." Diego says as he changes.

Is that a tank top? What you tryna show off? There's just flesh and bone. I say laughing and squeezing his arm.

Diego's jaw drops.

"So would its be better if you got a better view??" Diego says as he removes his tank revealing his six pack.

Alright I get it. Put your shirt back on I won't judge. I say kinda confused Diego has all that.

"Pass me my water im gonna go to the gym." Diego says signaling the mini fridge.

I go get his water.

Smartwater? At a work out? I say holding his water and laughing a bit.

"Umm yeah. Who actually drinks Walmart water or like Aquafina??" Diego asks.

I do. I say laughing at him.

"That shit tastes like a rats a-"

Water has no flavor what the hell?? I say cutting him off.

"Right ok." He says snatching the water out of my hand and preparing a little bag.

Don't tell me you're gonna go work out because of what I said about your arms. I say.

"No?? I was always gonna go work out either way??" Diego says putting on some headband.

Sureeee. I say not buying it.

"I have a girlfriend you're not special." He says shaking his head.

Wait what?? A girlfriend?? Really??

"Yep. We met back when I used to play for Real Betis." He says playing with his gold cross chain.

"Oh.. wait why were you being so flirty..?" I say processing what the news.

"Again. You're not special." He says grabbing some gum and walking out the door.

Ouch.. alright goodbye to you too. I say flipping of the door.

Well im not gonna just sit here. Im gonna explore  Seville.

Everywhere I go. It's so pretty.

Hey! Its a poster of Andres Guardado! He plays here in Seville? Wow. I miss that man.

Kevin and Azalea come up behind me.

"Someone woke up." Kevin says.

WHAT THE HELL! You startled my dumb ass. I say looking at what he was wearing.

"What? Is something wrong?" Kevin says looking at me.

You dress zesty as hell..! I say looking at his fit its kinda sexy tho. What the hell am I saying?

"Shut up it looks good." Kevin says checking himself out in the mirror outiside.

Zesty Ass.. i say seeing the way he poses in the mirror.

"Well fuck you too I regret getting you this shit." Kevin says.

WAIT! You got something for.. me..? I say questioning my life decisions for real.

"Yeah. I did." Kevin says handing me this box out of his white jumpsuit pocket.

"It's a little pendant with your inital." Kevin says as he watches me open it.

It's beautiful.. I say looking at it.

its taking me so much not to kiss his cheek.

"Kevin..! We need to go on our boat tour soon!" Azalea says.

"Right. Umm well I hope you liked it." He says taking it out of its box putting it around my neck.

i give him a kiss on the cheek.

Thank You Kev.. It's beautiful. Go on.. enjoy Seville with Azalea.

"We'll catch up later.. alright??" Kevin says walking away.

See ya.. I say looking down at my gift.

Wow.. why is he actually so sweet.. no wonder he gets all those bitches.

I walk around and see so many Flamenco dresses. It's Seville! Of course there are so many.

Screw it Im gonna dance Flamenco tonight.

I grab a dress, a little cute flower headband, some matching bracelets, earrings and necklaces

As I give the lady the euros and grab my stuff I seem some familiar blonde guy.

"Joder! No puede ser que ya no hay!" Some guy says as I walk out.

I wonder why he looks so familiar.

"Ando dinero en el Coche por favor." He says.

I just walk off with my new items.

I get to the hotel and slip into my attire.

I do little spins and kinda model for this very lucky mirror if I so say so myself.

Ahora si cabrones a bailar. I say to myself.

Wait that's too Mexican. Umm "ahora thii (thii=si) a mover lass caderitas." I say in a Spaniard accent.

Now I just sound dumb.

Anyways I explore around the area it all looks so pretty.

I walk into some place named Yamila and it's pretty lit.

Then it hits me. What the hell am I doing I don't even know how to dance flamenco..?

Then the dude from earlier comes up to me.

"Hey. Ju wana dans." He says to me.

I wanna laugh but I hold it in.

"Habló Español." I say looking at me as his eyes widen.

"Joder! Disculpe. Pero hablemos ingles. Necesito practicar para mi tour." He says.

Alright. Pablo was it? I look at him.

"Jes. Pablo Gavira an ju? He says.

Y/n.. y/n [(whatever the hell your last name is 😍)]

Look I don't know how to dance Flamenco.. teach me..? Please.??

"Of corss" he says but like in a funny tone so i laugh.

Love your English.

"Thanks is it convincing?" He says in a new voice.

What the hell happened to your accent? I ask all confused.

"Don't worry. But yeah I can show you. Come on."

he takes me to the dance floor.


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