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"You have two left feet" pabi (pablo) says as he teaches you a bit of dancing.

I don't really dance to Spanish music. I mean ask me about El Payaso De Rodeo and I own that shit.

"Haha Umm yeah. Teach me." Pabi says as he looks at me.

Well you need a specific song for that dance and... well. I say

"Oh. Umm come over to my place." Pabi suggests.

That's how people get murdered these days im good. I say kinda jokingly.

pabi starts laughing

"I have a career, I wouldn't ruin it over some basic blonde girl." Gavi says giving me this "girl bye look."

Like what? Bull racing?

"WHAT..!" Pabi says with his mouth wide open.

Im sorry it slipped. I say hoping he buys it.

"Whatever I can stop for Tacos at your Taco Truck." Pabi responds


we both laugh it off.

"Come on..! Please! Teach me..!" Pabi begs.

(text message from kevin)

zesty ass 🌮


fuck dinner im tryna get
some spanish dick 🤠

bitch im not kidding 😒

fine im omw 🖕

(back to pabi)

I gotta go my step bro is taking me to dinner today for some reason.

"oh.. alright. But here, my number let's meet up some other time yeah.?" He says writing down his phone number.

You got it. I say as i start taking off to the restaurant.

i get there in like 5 minutes I walk in and see Kevin, Azalea, Diego and some Blonde girl.

"What took you so damn long." Kevin says crossing his arms.

"and why are you dressed like that." Azalea comments.

Why are you such a god damn b-

"Good Afternoon, may I take your order?" Some waiter says cutting me off.

"Here sit next to me." Diego says patting the empty seat next to him.

I sit and we all order our shit.

"Hi Im Blanca, mucho gusto." The Blonde Girl says as she sticks out her hand for a handshake.

"Y/N, Pleasure" I say shaking her hand.

"Blanca I would wash my hand if I were you." Azalea says watching our interaction.

Im so ready to lash out but, everyone here looks so happy and some boys (one in particular) looks so cute right now so im not gonna start.

the food eventually arrives and "someone" had to take pics of the food.

we all finish and the bill arrives.

Se Llama Obsesión  |Kevin Alvarez| |Diego Lainez|Where stories live. Discover now