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after I wake up, I realize the position i'm in. I cant obsess over a bunch of dudes. Im not trying to be a whore, but... it's hard.

i put the jersey Sebas gave me away and walked downstairs.

kevin had barely touched his bowl of cereal, he looked like he was contemplating from the upstairs view.

so i quietly walked downstairs and came behind him to scare him.


"¡AY VERGA!" he shouts surprised and scared as he looks at me and smiles.

"y/n you're here???"


"you scared the shit out of me!" He says excited to hug me.

i hug him back.

yeah i came back home overnight. But what happened??? Why have you not eaten.

"mira... la neta es que.." Kevin says.

whats wrong?

"you and your mom are moving out." Kevin says.

WHAT??? Since when????

"my dad told me this morning, he said he wanted to split but idrk what went down." Kevin says.

but..? so that means???

"you're leaving too.."

Kevin! What??? please convince him to let us stay!

"i tried but he made up his mind..."

when do we leave?

"today i think."

TODAY!??? I get no warning???

"yeah it sucks." He says leaving to bring a gift bag and giving it to me.

i look at it and wonder.

what's this???

"well open it and find out."

i open it and.

inside is the newest purple and black club américa jersey, with my name and the number 7.

oh it's beautiful! but why 7?

"well its the day i met you, the 7th of July." He says.

i smile that he'd even remember that date.

"i know we had a rocky start but look at us now! Besides lucky number 7 right?" Kevin says with a wink.

I go and hug him again, kissing his cheek.

"as for out vacay, just call me. I haven't broken my promise yet." He says.


im no longer living in a beautiful big mansion, now im just in my old normal home.

i dont think im even related to kevin anymore so. Mom is still acting weird not telling me why we moved back.

"¡no preguntes! tu no te preocupes por eso."

is the most common response i would get for an explanation. As for Kevin, he tells me its the same for him.

it's clear something went down, but i guess i'll never know for sure.

December has never been harder.

for some reason..? i miss my old life???? Like the one i had last week...

i would apologize to diego if i could...

i cut sebas off...

honestly those dudes have done nothing wrong, diego was just in love with the wrong person, and sebas is just a big sweetheart.

Se Llama Obsesión  |Kevin Alvarez| |Diego Lainez|Where stories live. Discover now