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the next day, i get up really fucking late. I'd say like around 11:30.

as i walk downstairs i realize I'm completely alone in this house.

no parents no kevin no nothing.

idk if I should be scared or celebrating??? (probably the second one)

then I remember the "date" where he was gonna take me out and blah blah blah.

i eat some cereal and watch tv.

i scroll through on what to watch, i can always watch my favorite chismosos gordo y la flaca, or cases with ana maria polo, dramatic novelas like rosa de guadalupe... and idk netflix?

then the door rings.

maybe my little fling is here early!?

i open the door and.

"flowers for a special lady" a really fancy looking guy is at the door with this beautiful boquet of flowers.

ooh?? did he get me flowers??

i look at the tag.

from: kevin álvarez

oh my god. there's even a poem on the back.

"In a bouquet's embrace, beauty's delight,
Petals like stars, shining so bright.
A fragrant reminder, love's sweet art,
These flowers may never match your beauty,
But love these flowers as much as I do you."

that's.... awfully cheesy. but really... sweet...

they are beautiful flowers.

but why would he send me this, i thought he said he had moved on???

"so can i go now..?" the guy delivering says.

oh.. umm yeah please do.

he leaves and i rush inside to find these flowers a vase.

does kevin really care???

around 3pm he walks in the house again and our eyes meet as he looks around.

hey kevin...!

"oh hi?" He says kinda confused.

soooo...! what's the occasion!!!?? i say with my hands behind my back.

"occasion for what?" he says confused.

the gift you got me!

"gift what gift...?" he says even more confused.

come on dude..! stop playing dumb! the beautiful bouquet of flowers!

"bouquet of... flowers? OH! yeah where are they?" he asks.

i put them in a little cute vase why?

"NO! those aren't for you!" he says taking them out of my hands.


"they are from me but it doesn't say your name does it?" he questions.

i guess not...

"these are for fatima." he says.

my heart drops. I don't even know why i care so much.

you mean... you already found a new girl...?

"i guess if you put it that way."


"look you said it yourself it wasn't gonna work out. you pushed me away."

that's true...

"also don't think i dont know about your little date with Diego."


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