give my brother some?

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we wake up at around 8:45 i feel pretty fucking stupid.

"buenos dias chiquita..." diego says groaning as hes slowly waking up.

yeah ur one to talk about small people.

"ouch! I just woke and you're already starting your bs." Diego says kinda annoyed.

Alright alright. Im done.

wait wheres kev? I ask.

"idk i think he and his gang left." Diego replies

Gang?? Kevin is in a gang??

"no pendeja." Diego says shaking his head.

"his gang as in his crew or group idiot." Diego says.

oh yeah.. right. Wait group? I thought he only had Azalea and us...?

"nah apparently he's friends with some spanish people here." Diego says going on his phone.

don't you have friends here? y'know cause you played here in Seville?? I ask.

"oh yeah." Diego says.

so you just forgot about the people here wtf? I ask him.

"why are u always so aggressive?" He asks me kinda upset.

I just say it the way it is. I say.

"well its a turn off." Diego says.

Why the fuck are you turned on in the first place? don't you got a girl? I confront him.

"what i do is my business and my business only. Go back to fucking that spanish guy you met that day." He says.

I didn't fuck any Spanish dude so... idk what the fuck you're on buddy. I reply.

"right." Diego says looking away.

if you got a problem then tell me. I say to him calmly.

"the problem is you." diego says bluntly.

honestly that kinda hurt but I wouldn't tell him that now would i.?

so what you're just gonna be a dick about it? I ask him.

can you just like... not talk to me. You're irrelevant. Diego says turning around.

im irrelevant? didn't they send your ass from spain back to your home country cause you sucked ass? didnt they call you the biggest screw up in mexican soccer history? Wasted potential? Not even the fucking national team wants to see your ass again. That's irrelevant.

he stays quiet but i see him flip on his side and shed a few tears. I almost feel bad. Should I apologize?

"all this cause I called you chiquita..? Man fuck you." Diego says going into the bathroom as I rethink everything that went down.

"i dont wanna share a room with your ass. Out!" Diego says pointing towards the door.

You can't just kick me out what the fuck!? I say to him.

"ya vete pendeja!" Diego says pushing me out.

you know what fuck you im out! I say storming off.

"kevin and azalea are just walking in."

"Woah! New hair style?" I say looking at his slick back.

"Yeah i wanted to try something new but are you alright?" He says placing his shopping bags down.

Im fine don't even worry about me. I say looking down at myself.

"Hey.. I.. Azzy, can you go in the room I'll be right there." He says as Azalea goes to the their room.

"Come here." Kevin says grabbing my wrist and taking me to the bench.

What. Im literally fine. I say to him with my arms crossed.

"no. Come on what happened?" Kevin says looking at me.

"Is this about Diego?" He says.

I just look the other way, im not gonna admit to that bs.

Look bro Im fine alright? Im old enough to deal things on my own.

"no way. hes gonna get a piece of my mind." he says storming upstairs.

kevin please don't make shit worse. It was a petty fight.

kevin knocks on the door.

"nah im not getting envolved, i just wanted to scare yo ass." Kevin says knocking on Diego's door.

Wow... umm alright then.

I watch as Diego opens the door for Kevin and they talk and shit. (probably fucked)

a few hours go by and i sit in the hotel lobby looking down at myself alone.

since we're at a rich people hotel, Kevin walks down the stairs with a top and workout shorts along with his airpods for music.

hey kev. I say waving at him.

he comes and sits next to me.

"you okay? are you still upset about earlier?" Kevin says.

yeah.. im fine i just wanna be alone. I say.

"yeah no. Dont pull that emo shit on me, come on." Kevin says grabbing my arms and pulling me up.

güey ya dejame. I say tryna break free.

"hey chill out im canceling my workout session for your ass. Come on." He says.

he calls an uber and talks to me as we wait.

"look Diego said he feels bad about telling you to leave." Kevin says.

he's right tho we don't work together. I respond.


the uber arrives as soon as he's gonna finish.

"oh. the ubers here." he sees opening the door for me.

soon we get to this fancy restaurant.

"look im not in the right attire so we're gonna order to-go alright? he says with a wink.

i laugh at his remark but soon enough we order our food and kevin takes me to this spot eyes closed.

he covers my eyes.

"ok.. almost.. and open.!" He says removing his hands from my face.

im on a mini hill with a cute view of the city and a view of the sunset.

wow.. this is actually really nice.. i say looking astonished.

we sit down and eat our food.

"did i lift your spirits?" Kevin says with this cute/smug smile.

i will admit i did kinda blush on the inside.

y-yeah. Thank you Kevin. I respond as his smile widens.

we eat and talk to each other.

"you know? that angry pout is kinda adorable" kevin says poking fun at me.

i have a pout?

"you did. i kinda regret cheering you up."

hey!! what was that for?

"because the pout is gone.." kevin says laughing.

i give him a playful punch.

after we accidentally make eye contact.. but i don't look away.

"you have sauce on your cheek..." kevin says wiping off the sauce with his thumb.

i blush hard this time... soon he starts moving his face closer to mine... it was like we were magnets... as mine also moved closer.

he closed his eyes... i closes mine until...

we kissed.

im kissing kevin... uh oh.


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