after that whole situation, a few days have gone by.
I'm no longer in Spain, but back home.
I think about the trip, it was a very over the place experience.
after everything that went down, I couldn't take it. I brushed away everyone.
of course since me and kevin live in the same place we make eye contact but that's it.
as for diego, i kinda regret that lame petty fight we had. He seemed like a good friend.
i kinda ruined azaleas life and stole her man so she probably hates me even more than before.
its all so hard for me to deal with.
I can meet new guys and girls. Maybe find better people.
No, i had my people. Well at least Kevin and Diego. But honestly, when push comes to shove i also enjoyed arguing with Azalea.
in the end im alone. woohoo.
i head out my cave aka room to get something but im met with someone at my door.
"hey y/n... can we talk?" its kevin.
what do u want kevin? I ask him.
"now hold on...? what happened to us? just a few days ago we were making out and now you're distancing yourself away from me. Why?"
look. it's not you i just... it doesn't feel right to be with you if it's causing trouble or pain to others i know.
"why is it always about other people and not us? why are you so concerned about them??"
because, who really means it when people say they dont care what others think?
i tell myself that but im clearly lying, i do care.
besides as much as Azalea is a bitch to me, no one deserves that. trust me its happened to me.
"so i ditch her for you and you're really acting like this right now?" he says with his arms crossed.
kevin! why don't you fucking understand! you and me are not meant to be! god damn it.
the room goes quiet for a bit, i swear i heard the crickets outside.
"wow... so that's it? you just used me or??? wtf is going on." he says.
no, i did like you but. maybe it should just be a family type thing.
"ok, if that's what you want. you'll never find a guy like me though, not even close."
you're probably right. but i'll manage.
"if you say so." he says looking back at me and leaving.
as i head downstairs i notice kevin having a little mini re union in the living room.
its seems to be his amé buddies.
i leave the house looking like a homeless lady but i gotta get fresh air.
of course its fate, the guy i was just thinking of appears. Its like everything i say comes true i hate it.
"HEY Y/N!" he says waving at me.
hey diego... what's up?
"are you alright? you still mad at me? you haven't talked to me since the fight." he asks.
no. it was really stupid. Im sorry.
"phew. at least we can both agree that it was pretty dumb, so... friends?
yeah. friends.
"here i got you a little something." he says.
ooooh...! what could it be?
its a...!
"keep going."
a golden bracelet???
"like those friendship bracelets but made out of gold." he says winking at me.
is it real!!!?
as i try it on diego clears his throat.
"so umm... besides our matching very real gold bracelets! there's something else i wanna ask you." he says.
go on.
"will you???" he says blowing a fake trumpet.
"will youuuuu... go with me to the fair?"
"woah. what do you mean oh?
I expected more than that to be honest.
"hey! beggers can't be choosers... how about i'll take you to the Estadio Universitario tomorrow?" diego suggests.
"well yeah. But if i get in trouble your ass is to blame." he says.
im so in. honestly knowing the pendeja i am, i will probably get my ass kicked out.
"to get kicked out you have to be either really stupid or blonde. And you're both so the odds aren't in out favor..." He says teasing me.
wow. that was great. thanks for lifting my spirits.
"now where's your...?"
my what?
"idk what is he to you, step brother? Lover? friend?"
oh kev? yeah hes inside the house with his friends.
and yeah about the lover thing, i broke that off. even thought technically we're not related it feels really wrong.
"no kidding." anyways pick you up for our little outing tomorrow at 7 yeah?" he says.
then the visit to the!!!
"yeah yeah. but first we're gonna have a good time just us okay?"
you got it.
i give him a hug and after all that im finally feeling alright again.
me and diego healed our relationship.
as i walk in the door back inside, i overhear kev and his buds little convo.
"I think it's time i move on. there's other girls out there and if she doesn't want me then I shouldn't want her." I think kev says.
wow that's easy for him to say. he can pull anyone he wants.
unlike me who... who...
then it kicks me.
im pulling this cute guy that plays for the national team and wants to take me out to the fair and introduce me to his buds at his stadium.
omfg im pulling too.
what's the best way to repay him being a non understanding jerk?
get with one of his best buds of course! duh.
i dont even like diego like that but... if it'll cause some drama then???? where's the harm in that????
i lock myself in my room not even upset anymore. Just happy I literally have one of the most desired guys in Mexico at my feet.
then it hits me im probably just going mad because of all the emotions im feeling so i decide to let sleep do the talking and i hit the hay.
that is, until loud ass music wakes me up.

Se Llama Obsesión |Kevin Alvarez| |Diego Lainez|
Roman d'amourIt all started with a promise.. is what your new step brother Kevin makes very clear as your life changes. Maybe for the better. Maybe for the worse.