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Guys...I'm getting mawwied (WHAT EW LOL WHAT????) So I admit between planning that, working 9-5, doing my small business and this I have like 0 time and sleep. So sorry, but Im coming. Thank you to everyone who message me on Insta to remind me, honestly your messages are the only reason I come here to update cause without them my time just slips away. So don't feel bad about bothering me! Also if you wanna follow my fusion wedding journey come join us on Insta! It will be 3 culture wedding like LOL RIP to everyone involved. 

But also..how did I get so old so quick :(


"Did he sleep with you last night?"

I stopped mid chew, looking up slowly as Fern barged into the balcony. Can't I just even eat in peace?

"What?" I asked, knowing that my chewed up pain au chocolate was not a sight to see. Fern didn't seem to care as he grabbed the chair and pulling it out violently, letting it scrape the ground making a horrible noise that no one should be put through at nine in the morning. 


"Uh, well he left after 10 minutes, or something like that."

Fern muttered something incoherent, maybe if it was later in the day I would be more bothered to find out what he said. 

"Trust him to be quick, Fern smirked at his own joke before grabbing an apple slice, "He's stepping out of line."

"Is he?" I asked, finally with a clean mouth. I grabbed the orange juice taking a big gulp.

"What does your boyfriend say about all of this? Have you even told him."

That was a good point, I did, or tried too at least. I wasn't sure if I was even a priority for Kyle sometimes. 

"I mentioned...aspects of it."

"What did he say?"

"Well he said I didn't have to do anything I wasn't comfortable with and stuff like that."

"So he knows," Fern grabbed another handful of grapes.

"Not really...He just doesn't know what Gabriel is making me do, just that it's something he's asked me to do." I clarified

"How did you and Kyle meet?"

"Hmm?" I asked as I took a sip of my coffee, it wasn't as strong enough as what I needed to get through another day.

"Oh uh," I started trying to think, "I think we had mutual friends, kept bumping into each other."

That wasn't entirely true but Fern didn't need to know all the facts. 

"How often do you see him? I think you mentioned he's in the army?'

"Navy," I corrected Kyle, "He comes home every few months, but sometimes it's longer," I shrugged as I refilled my coffee cup with another generous pour. My body was not going to thank me for this.

"Long distance must be hard," Fern slouched a little bit in his chair, closing his eyes as the mornings sun basked him. 

"Not really," I grabbed another croissant. Yep...my body was definitely not going to thank me for all this sugar, caffeine and sitting in the sun without sunscreen.

"I like living alone, value my space and freedom. I would hate cleaning up after someone,"

"But isn't that what being in a relationship is like?"

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