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The night sky shines brightly with the white glittering stars. The grass is swaying slightly with the wind and the trees are just peacefully doing the same thing they do normally, producing oxygen. Something disturbed the peace, a large shake, a trumer in their ground of the planet. Like it was making something.

It was making something, in fact it was giving birth to a baby. A humanoid being also known as a Galaxy spirit.

Galaxy spirits are born from planets and Stars. They are the protectors of the Galaxy they are born in. The spirit's power level depends on how strong and intelligent the being that lives on the two planets is.

It takes two tango, right? There must be two or more planets or stars in order to make one of these spirits, this spirit was born from the planets of Skaro and Gallifrey. The Time Lords and Daleks might've not got along very well but the two planets loved each other very well.

The Time Lords are panicking as this hasn't happened in all the years they've existed. Yes, there were quakes but not one like this, no this one is like the planet was in pain.

"What's going on?" A man in robe spoke his hood is up so no one could see his face.

"The planet is in pain, we are trying to figure out where it's coming from!" Another man yelled while typing into the computer.

On the other side of the planet, a massive hole has been torn into the planet, a tiny baby is coming out of the massive hole, a tiny crying naked baby.

The quake lasted 19 hours and both of the rival planets lost quite a bit of power in electricity. Even the TARDIS's Gave up most of their energy for this child for they know exactly who and what this baby is.

"Sir, none of the TARDIS's have enough power to use. What should we do?" An older female spoke, she has short gray hair,brown eyes, blue skin and a little bit of fish scales.

"That's impossible! TARDIS can't just stop working! Go! and figure this out!" He demanded.

4 weeks later with the baby.

That baby girl had black peach fuzz on top of her head. Her eyes are htercomatic, one eye is a TARDIS blue, with golden specks and the other is a deep black color. Her skin is a pale white color, she was crying her little head off from the unfamiliarity of being outside of her mother's womb.

A young female only about 65 years old came across this child. She has long brown curly hair, brown eyes and a deep brown skin. She picked up the naked baby trying to calm her down.

"Shh...little one, everything is going to be ok" she spoke softly. The woman is wearing a short red dress that only came above her knees, the fabric on the top crossed over each other and became straps. She has a small jacket on to cover her skin from the slight wind and has black combat high heeled boots on.

The little baby calmed down looking into the woman's eyes. They connected a mother and daughter bond because the two planets agreed that this is the woman who should take care of their child.

It's been 3 years since that day. Today was a horrible day. The Woman who took this child in, who is now named Nephthys, people call her Angel as a nickname.

The Woman who took Nephthys in put the baby inside of her TARDIS set a date in time and a destination.

UK London,November 5th 1991.

The TARDIS didn't leave with the baby though, the TARDIS refused instead it used its particles to teleport the baby to her destination.

The Crying of a baby was heard by the one and only Jakie Tyler. She has her 5 year old Rose in her arms sleeping. A three year old with unusual eyes and hair. Her hair was the color black but the unusual part of it is the golden streak that's in her hair.

"Oh,dear, where is mummy?" Jakie asked when she crouched down, careful to not wake Rose and placed her hand on top of the toddlers head.

On the baby's sleeve is her name Nephthys in Gallifreyan letter but on the other side it says Angel, in English letters.

"That cute outfit you have...if you don't have anyone claiming you I'll have to take care of you myself" Jakie said softly, picking up the three year old in her arms and leaving back home.

That is the story of how Nephthys Angel Tyler was adopted by Jakie Tyler.

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