Chapter 4- Aliens of London

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Angel is in the kitchen talking to the TARDIS. "so...what other things can you do? Can you make...Ice cream?" Angel eye glittered when it hummed and opened the freezer. There was chocolate ice cream! "Oh my gosh! You are officially my bestie" Angel licked her lips and went to grab the ice cream but the TARDIS shut and locked the freezer door. "Hey!" Angel whined, instead it made a sandwich appear on the counter.

"But I don't want a sandwich!" The TARDIS didn't do anything and no matter how hard Angel pulled on the freezer door it wouldn't budge like it wanted her to eat the sandwich first. Angel only huffed, giving up grabbing the plate and plopped down in a chair angrily eating her sandwich. Once she took a bite her mood instantly changed to happiness as it was very delicious and had loads of delicious meat.

Angel was done with the sandwich which is when the TARDIS opened the door for the ice cream once more. Angel smiled then stood up to grab it but right before she could grab the ice cream, Rose came in and dragged her sister away. "No! My ice cream!" Angel whined. "Let me go!" Angel yelled. "We are heading home, Angel" Rose said.

"But my ice cream, this beautiful creature, gave me ice cream! You snatched me away from it!" We reached the console room just as the Doctor pulled the lever.

They left the TARDIS "How long have we been gone?" Rose asked the Doctor. "About twelve hours"

"Oh! I'll be back! I need to go grab a few things!" Angel ran towards the Flat. Rose caught up to her Sister a minute after Angel ran off.

Angel walks into the Flat "Mama! We're home! We were out...watching" Rose looked at her sister weirdly and she only shrugged. Jakie dropped her tea and it smashes on the floor.

"It's you two..." Angel and Rose looked at each other confused "Of course it's us silly" Angel stuck her tongue out playfully not understanding the situation at the moment. "Oh, my God. It's you. Oh my God. " Jakie repeatedly hugged the two tightly that when they spotted the missing person posters on the table, then the Doctor ran in.

"It's not twelve hours, it's twelve months. You've been gone a whole year. Sorry." The Doctor spoke to the Girls. Angel pushed Jakie away and looked at the Doctor then back at her mother.

Jakie actually called a police man and he is here now. " The hours I've sat here, days and weeks and months, all on my own. I thought you two were dead, and where were you guys? Traveling. What the hell does that mean, traveling? That's no sort of answer. You ask them. They won't tell me. That's all they said. Traveling" Jakie said, a little stressed about the situation.

"That's what we were doing," Rose said, arguing. "When your passport is still in the drawer? It's just one lie after another"

"But its true we were traveling...just not by plane..." Angel said softly. " I meant to phone. I really did. I just I forgot." Rose looked down sadly. "What, for a year? You forgot for a year? And I am left sitting here. I just don't believe you. Why won't you tell me where you've been?"

Angel went to go say something but the Doctor spoke before her as he placed a hand gently on Angel's shoulder for a comforting type thing. "Actually, it's my fault. I sort of er, employed Rose and Angel as my companions." The Doctor said taking the blame. Angel looked up at 9 curious about what's in this Time lord's brain. "When you say companion, is this a sexual relationship?" They looked at the Police man "No" the three said at the same time.

"Then what is it? Because you, you waltz in here all charm and smiles, and the next thing I know, she vanishes off the face of the Earth! How old are you then? Forty? Forty five? What, did you find her on the Internet? Did you go online and pretend you're a doctor?"Jakie yelled at him. " I am a Doctor." The Doctor said letting go of Angel's shoulder.

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