Chapter 36

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Ross P.O.V

We were back on the road but since we left the studio Rocky has been locked up in the back room and Riker hasn't left the bathroom. Rydel and Ellington were in the front part of the bus watching a movie so they could distract themselves from the problem. But I was sitting in the kitchen waiting for one of them to come out of the rooms.

I was losing my hopes since I've been sitting here for more then an hour and I was deciding whether to barge into one of the rooms since no one was giving up. But I know that's just my anger talking so I knew one person who could calm me down.

I pulled out my phone and dialed Jasmine's number. I pressed my phone close to my ear and heard the rings that would soon connect me to her. I wanted to hear her calming voice and make sure that the kids are fine, both my unborn children and Jace.

"Hey Ross" I hear her voice and I could just feel a smile appear on her face. A nice wide bright smile that could brighten up a room.

"Hey baby, how are you?" I asked feeling my heart slow down, slowly calming down at the sound of her voice. That anger I once had was vanishing.

"I'm fine and so is Jace, I just put him in bed if you want to talk to him I can wake him up if you want. He really wishes to talk to you" she says softly and I wonder if she is holding back tears.

I look out the window seeing the dark sky "No let him sleep he ha school tomorrow. I will just call him another time, I just want to hear your voice" I said with a smile and start to think that maybe the other two watching a movie are listening to my conversation.

"I really do miss you Ross" She sighs softly "And the babies have been kicking a lot since you left" She chuckles softly.

I raise my eyebrow "Really?" I asked a little confused.

"Yeah the doctor says its probably because they miss their father" I hear her laugh and I could just imagine her. Jasmine sitting on the bed under the covers with her baby belly, looking beautiful like always.

I felt my heart go warm when she tells me that "I guess they are going to be daddy's little children" I looked at the two doors and frowned.

"So how is the tour going? We have seen a few of your interviews and every time you appear on the screen Jace says that's my father right there" I hear and laugh.

"Well I sure do miss that kid" I said softly as  I remember little Jace with his wide smile. He could actually be our kid since he has Jasmine's smile and her cheerful young face.

"So I guess it a few more concerts then you come back to us" she says softly and I guess we were going to the deep part of the long distance conversation. I have been through this so many times with her that no mater what it is, it always ends up hurting when we have to say goodbye.

"Yeah two more and then I am home for the birth of my babies" I said with a smile trying to make this part of the conversation a little happier. I didn't want her to cry or feel upset.

The other end was quiet for a while and then I hard a sigh "I love you so much Ross" she says.

I raise my eyebrows, I have heard her say those three words a lot with meaning but this time it sounded so different, like there was more "I love you too Jasmine" I said then I saw the door handle jiggle "I'm sorry babe but I have to go, I will call you again, okay?"

It was quiet again "Okay" she said before the line went died.

I put my phone down and looked at Riker standing there with red puffy eyes and the small cuts slowly stop bleeding. I look at him with wide eyes.

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