Chapter 2

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Jasmine's POV

I sat on the bed watching the tv screen as Ross was I the bathroom doing what he did cause he was a boy. I was in a night gown that Rydel gave me that was pretty revealing and I hid under the duvet trying to not let Ross know. I only wore it because I had nothing else to wear and tonight was our last night of our honey moon. Don't think we have had that every night, no we only did when it was our wedding night and the other nights we have watched movies or have gone to bed.

The bathroom door open and Ross walked out shirtless in his black sweats heading to the bed covering himself under the duvet with me. His hand went to me side and he felt the silky material that covered my skin.

"Jasmine what's this?" He asked with a smirk as he touch the duvet away from me showing me in the short night gown that had lace patterns on the bust.

I grabbed a pillow covering my body from his eyes "Rydel gave me it and I just wore it cause I don't have any clothes to wear" I said softly.

Ross took the pillow away from me and he smiled "Remind me to thank Rydel once we get back home tomorrow" he said before connecting our lips together.

One hand on my waist while the other was on my cheek rubbing circles on my skin. He rolled us over so he was on top of me and his hands went to the end of the gown separating his lips from mine to have a quick glance of me.

"How did I become such a lucky man?" Ross asked as if in a daze looking at my face. He lean down to peck my lips, my hands my arms basically my whole upper body making me giggle as his lips caress my collarbones.

"You should never ask that question because I want to know how could I marry such a great man when I was such a shitty person" I asked remembering all the bad things I did before we were married. From dating a man who abused me to treating Ross like a rat while on tour.

He looked down at me, his smile disappearing from his face "Jasmine you are not a shitty person in matter of fact you are the best person I've ever known. My family love you, you know that on our wedding day I was terrified. The only thing that ran through my mind was that you could have done better, that you could e married Ryan Gosling if you could and he still wouldn't be enough for you. Because Jasmine Lynch you are perfection in a human body" Ross said with a smile connecting our lips together making this kiss the best out of them all.

"I don't want no Ryan Gosling I want Ross Lynch, my best friend, my husband my everything" I said pulling him close to me hugging his body.

"They probably think we have had sex every second of the day" He chuckled as he plot down on the bed next to me grabbing my hand.

I laugh at his comment "Well we didn't because we don't need that to enjoy each other" I said going to rest my head on his chest having his arm wrap around my body.

"Jasmine when can we have children?" He asked softly as we lay there on the bed in the dark hearing the waves of water crashing on the sand.

"Soon I hope" I said smiling only thinking of seeing a miniature Ross running around the house calling me mommy and Ross daddy.

"I want to have a miniature Jasmine to call my princess" He said gripping me hard. Suddenly the thought of him calling someone else his princess angered me even though this could be my child that I will love but I just got so used to being called his princess.

"What will that make me?" I asked a little angered.

I hear him chuckle and he pecks my forehead softly "My queen"he said softly.

I smile at his comment and to thank him for it I knew I might as well give him pleasure on both our last night.. Last night of our honeymoon and tomorrow we will be back home to the house we bought and that Riker with Rydel designed it. Tomorrow is a day filled with surprises.

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