Part 2: a Walk in the Park

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A week after (Y/N) and Kara exchanged numbers and became friends, the pair decided that they would meet each other in a Metropolis park.

(Y/N): Hey Kara! How've you been doing?

(Kara): Hey! What do you mean? We talked like an hour ago.

(Y/N): Eh, I was just trying to start some small talk.

(Kara): I get it. Wanna go walk?

(Y/N): That sounds great!

(Kara): Alright then! Let's go.

And with that, the pair started walking through the park. Kara ended up buying herself and (Y/N) each a drink from a vending machine, which they both drank while sitting on a bench.

(Y/N): This was a really great idea on your part.

(Kara): You think so?

(Y/N): How could I not? I haven't really had this much fun hanging out with someone in a while.

(Kara): Yeah. Same here.

(Y/N): You said before that you moved here because you had family in the area, right?

(Kara): Yeah, why?

(Y/N): No reason. I was just thinking out loud, y'know?

(Kara): I totally get that. I do that when I'm alone so much, you wouldn't believe.

(Y/N): Cheers to that.

Following their rest and respective drinks, (Y/N) and Kara started walking again. The pair walked in the park and talked for hours on end until the park closed and they had to go elsewhere. Kara told (Y/N) that despite not having too many friends at the time, she could tell that their friendship was going to last a long time. But, after the pair had made it a few blocks, they decided to call it a night. (Y/N) walked the rest of the way home while Kara, unbeknownst to her friend, flew to her apartment.

After that, though, she got a call on her phone.

(Y/N): Hey, did you get home safe?

(Kara): Yeah, I did. How about you?

(Y/N): Yep! I'm all good over here. Thankfully, Metropolis is one of the safest cities in the US.

(Kara): I know, right? Superman is really doing his job.

(Y/N): And Supergirl. Can't forget her.

(Kara): That's a good point. Anyways, I'm gonna go get in bed. I had a really great time today.

(Y/N): So did I, Kara. Have a good night!

(Kara): You too!

Following their brief phone call, Kara, as well as (Y/N), did just that. The next day, though, Kara saw (Y/N) again. However, this time was a bit different.

To Kara's surprise, she saw (Y/N) the next afternoon while flying around as Supergirl. She loosely followed him for about a block until he noticed a shadow with a cape, turned around and looked up.

(Y/N): You know I can see you, right?

(Supergirl): W-wait, really? Sorry, I must have zoned out for a second there.

(Y/N): Eh, it's fine. Slow day, huh?

(Supergirl): Yeah. Nothing interesting yet.

(Y/N): Well, the day's not over yet.

(Supergirl): Hey, don't jinx it. Next thing you know, Metallo's gonna break out of prison and we'll have last Friday all over again.

(Y/N): Touché. Thanks again for saving me back there.

(Supergirl): No problem, it's my job.

(Y/N): Yeah, but you still deserve thanks for it.

(Supergirl): ...Thanks for that. Really.

(Y/N): No problem.

Following their brief interaction, (Y/N) continued on his way and Kara decided to have a change of plans. She flew to the top of the Daily Planet building to meet with her cousin, Superman, who sat next to her on the ledge.

(Superman): Hey, you wanted to talk?

(Supergirl): Yeah.

(Superman): Anything in particular?

(Supergirl): Not really. I...I'm just struggling with earth, Kal. I have all of these crazy superpowers, why is this so hard?

(Superman): Kara. If I could give one piece of advice, it's that no matter how powerful you are, isolation is hard for everyone. My best tip would be trying to reach out and get more friends as Kara Danvers.

(Supergirl): Well, I'm already up to one in the past week.

(Superman): And that's a great start. You've only been here for a month and a half, Kara. You have time to get your circle as big as you need.

(Supergirl): Thanks, Kal. You're a lot more helpful with stuff like this now that you aren't a baby.

(Superman): Any time. So, what about that friend you mentioned? What are they like?

(Supergirl): He's the best. He's really helped me feel at home here. Earth and Metropolis.

(Superman): I felt the same way when I met Lois and Jimmy.

(Supergirl): Really? You were lonely?

(Superman): Oh, totally. My adopted parents live in Kansas, remember? There aren't really a ton of options for friends in a small, rural town.

(Supergirl): Yeah, good point. I'm really lucky to have him.

(Superman): Sounds like it. I'm really proud of you, you know that?

(Supergirl): Really? Why specifically?

(Superman): You lost everyone and everything you knew. And even after that, you're still being pretty positive and doing a great job. Remember the Worldkiller incident?

(Supergirl): Yeah, that felt really good when it was over. I still kinda feel bad about destroying a part of New York.

(Superman): We all make mistakes. You did the best you could, Kara, and everyone who was injured got treated. You're going to be a great superhero. I can tell.

(Supergirl): Thanks, Kal.

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