Part 4: the Following Day

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(A/N) Text in brackets [like this] will represent a character thinking from this point forward. Pretty much a thought bubble with just text.

When (Y/N) woke up, he was initially confused. That is, until he heard Kara's voice.

(Kara): Morning, (Y/N)! How'd you sleep?

(Y/N): Honestly, pretty well. I didn't know where I was until I heard you, though.

(Kara): Sorry about that. I got donuts, though.

Kara showed him a box of donuts, opening it as he walked over.

(Y/N): Hey, this is from my favorite donut place! Thanks, Kara.

(Kara): No problem. I remembered you recommending it, so I picked this up before you woke up!

(Y/N): Wow, you really are the best.

(Kara): It's nothing. You brought popcorn last night, so I kinda felt like I owed you.

(Y/N): Hey, you don't owe me anything. But these do look really good.

(Kara): I totally agree! I may or may not have gotten an extra one and ate it on the way back.

(Y/N): Yeah, that's fair. They're great.

(Kara): I totally agree!

After that, the pair both grabbed a donut and sat on Kara's couch before turning on the TV. When Kara turned it to the local news channel, it showed more coverage of Supergirl's fight with Livewire the previous day.

(Kara): This stuff happens so much, it must be a lot seeing as there's only two superheroes in Metropolis.

(Y/N): Yeah. I'm not too worried, though. Superman and Supergirl seem to have everything covered.

(Kara): That's true. Hey, (Y/N)?

(Y/N): Yeah?

(Kara): I'm really glad we're friends.

(Y/N): Me too, Kara.

After the pair finished their breakfast, Kara decided to walk with (Y/N) back to his apartment. She had never seen it before, so she was excited to see where her friend lived. When she walked in, Kara was pleasantly surprised. It had a bit more room than she thought.

(Kara): Wow, this place is nice.

(Y/N): Thanks. I try to keep it clean enough.

(Kara): I'd say you succeeded at that. Um, where's your bathroom?

(Y/N): over there, first door on the right.

(Kara): Thanks!

Whenever Kara returned, she received a text message.

(Kara): Hey (Y/N), you remember my cousin Clark, right?

(Y/N): Yeah, from last night?

(Kara): Yep! He invited me over to his place next weekend for a thing. It isn't, like, technically a party, but you get what I mean, right?

(Y/N): Yeah, I get it. Wait, why are you telling me about this?

(Kara): Well, he said it's mostly for friends from work, but he said you can come too as a plus one if you want.

(Y/N): I don't have anything else going on then, so why not? It isn't a formal thing, right? Suits are uncomfortable as hell.

(Kara): Don't worry, it's casual. Clark and Lois are pretty relaxed, so I couldn't imagine them hosting a really formal anything.

(Y/N): That's understandable. He seemed pretty cool last night.

(Kara): You have no idea. So, you're coming with me?

(Y/N): Yeah, I'll go.

The next Saturday, however, something occurred in the early afternoon. Only a few hours until (Y/N) and Kara were supposed to be at Clark and Lois's apartment.

It was a long day for Kara. Apart from an especially tiring work day, she also had to stop a bank robbery, a high speed chase and now, she had to deal with Livewire another week in a row. Worse yet, now (Y/N) was nearby. She had to bring Livewire down and not have (Y/N) recognize her.

(Supergirl): You know what, Leslie? This is really getting on my nerves!

(Livewire): That's the point, honey. You can't do shi-

Livewire was then tackled by Supergirl, bringing her to the ground before she turned into electricity and effectively teleported behind her.

(Livewire): Heh, you're so going down.

(Supergirl): You'd be lucky to even tickle me with that.

(Livewire): I don't need to kill you. All I need to do is slow you down just enough to get my ass out of here.

Livewire then started firing electric blasts into Supergirl. That is, until one pedestrian stepped in and swung his backpack at her. That person, (Y/N) (L/N).

(Y/N): Hey! Get off of Supergirl!

(Livewire): What are you trying to do? Protect your girlfriend or something?

(Supergirl): Just shut up! He's not my boyfriend! No offense.

(Y/N): None taken. Just kick her ass, okay?

(Supergirl): Like that wasn't the plan already.

Supergirl flew at Livewire, eventually encasing her in a shockproof container. She then went back to where the majority of the battle had taken place, only to find (Y/N) still standing where she left him. She flew over to him and gave him a tight hug.

(Supergirl): I'm so glad you're safe.

(Y/N): O...kay? I didn't expect this, but it isn't bad.

(Supergirl): Oh my god, I'm so sorry! I, uh...I have to go.

Supergirl then released (Y/N) from the hug and flew off to a building across town.

(Supergirl): [Oh my god. Why did I do that? I could've just given away that I'm Supergirl. Why did I have to hug him then?]

She stayed sitting on the roof for a few minutes before hearing her cell phone ringing.

(Supergirl): Oh. I totally forgot about my phone.

She picked up the phone and who was on the other end if not (Y/N)?

(Y/N): Hey, are you doing okay?

(Kara): Yeah, why do you ask?

(Y/N): I mean, you work at the Planet, right?

(Kara): Yeah, I do.

(Y/N): Well, that's where Livewire first attacked today. Are you in a safe place?

(Kara): Yeah. I am now.

(Y/N): Okay. Is something wrong? You sound a little less...Kara than normal.

(Kara): What do you mean?

(Y/N): I don't know. It just sounds like something's wrong. You can talk to me about anything you're comfortable with, remember?

(Kara): Yeah, I know.

(Y/N): Okay. Because that offer is still there. We can talk if you need to.

(Kara): Okay. Thanks, (Y/N). You're the best.

(Y/N): No problem, Kara.

(Kara): Are you okay too?

(Y/N): Yeah. I'm safe.

(Kara): Okay. That's good. Are we still good for tonight?

(Y/N): I am if you are! I'm actually about to go get some extra snacks for when we're there.

(Kara): I don't think you'll have to do that. Clark and his wife usually have a bunch of snack stuff because they have a son.

(Y/N): Okay, sounds good. Bye, Kara.

(Kara): Bye.

(Y/N) then hung up on the call, leaving Kara alone with her thoughts.

(Kara): [I'll have to tell him eventually. But then he'll be in danger. What if some supervillain goes after him that not even the Justice League can control? Why is this so hard?]

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