Part 11: Kara Zor-El

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Kara, (Y/N) and Earth 1's Flash were shown to their temporary rooms by Power Girl and Green Lantern. Shortly after that, (Y/N) made his way to Kara's room. When he entered, he sat on her bed.

(Y/N): Hey, you doing okay?

(Kara): I mean, besides getting transported to another universe with my best friend who should probably hate me for lying to him for months, pretty good.

(Y/N): Kara. How could I hate you? Sure, you didn't tell me that you're Supergirl, but you had good reasons not to. I totally get it.

(Kara): Really?

(Y/N): Of course.

(Kara): You're the best, (Y/N).

(Y/N): Thanks, Kara. You are too.

(Kara): Thanks.

(Y/N): Hey, if you're okay with it, could you tell me why you decided to like, be Supergirl?

(Kara): That'd take a while, but sure. There's only one other person I've told the whole story to.

(Y/N): I have as much time as you need.

He then gave Kara a side hug.

(Kara): It all started on Krypton, that's where Superman and I are originally from. Well, it was.

(Y/N): What happened?

(Kara): It…it's gone now. After the planet started falling apart, my father, Zor-El, kept working on his research to try to save everyone he could. He tried separating the city we lived in from the planet to preserve that small portion, but even that failed. The rest of the planet was already gone. Our friends, family, everyone.

We had to make a lead ground for the city so we weren't all killed by the Kryptonite that was accidentally brought up with us. About half of the population died just laying the ground, but even then, we had to keep maintaining it. The Kryptonite was getting through small cracks; it was small, but enough to impact someone standing above it. My mother died from Kryptonite poisoning. Some had to build crypts for the bodies as the new ground was being put in place.

She wouldn't have wanted me to be shot off into space, but my father decided it was the best way to keep me alive. He couldn't save everyone, not even himself, but he thought that it would give me a chance at survival. After a short while, my pod was dragged into the Phantom Zone when I was asleep. It's a place where time doesn't pass, so when I exited it, I didn't realize that twenty-five years had passed.

The coordinates on my pod were set to the same ones as the one Kal-El was in. Kal is Superman, by the way. I got stuck in another dimension, but that's what led to me coming to earth. He found me after I landed, but I was so scared that I ended up fighting him. Whenever I calmed down, he brought me to his Fortress of Solitude to show me what was left of Krypton's culture. Almost nothing.

After that, he brought me to friends of his parents. the Danvers family. They took me in as their own and I lived with them before I moved to New York. That's where I first appeared as Supergirl. When the Worldkillers showed up. They made a dome around the city and I kinda broke a few buildings. Which thankfully, got fixed. Whenever they were dealt with, I made my first actual friend, Siobhan Smythe, who you may remember trying to kill us earlier today.

(Y/N): She's Silver Banshee?

(Kara): Yeah. That pretty much sums up my life up until a few hours ago.

(Y/N): You need a hug?

(Kara): That'd be nice.

(Y/N) and Kara then got up and hugged each other.

(Kara): Hey, (Y/N)?

(Y/N): Yeah?

(Kara): I like you a lot.

(Y/N): I like you too!

(Kara): No, like, I really like you. More than as my friend.

(Y/N): Yeah, I know. I like you too. Wanna go for a walk?

(Kara): Yeah. That would help a lot.

The pair then left the JSA headquarters and went for a walk around Earth 2 Metropolis. After about an hour, they decided to get a bite to eat. Thankfully, they found a restaurant that was near empty.

(Kara): Oh wow, this is incredible.

(Y/N): I know, right? Back on Earth 1, this place closed years ago. I have no idea why.

(Kara): Totally. This is the best pizza I've ever had, hands down.

(Y/N): I totally agree. This is the best pizza ever.

(Kara): We have to find someone who can go back in time to get more of this.

(Guy): I can do that.

(Y/N): Wait, what?

(Guy): I can do that. I can run fast enough to go back in time.

(Y/N): I heard you the first time. Who are you?

(Guy): Wally West? The Flash? I traveled here with you guys? Any of that ringing a bell?

(Y/N): Wait, YOU'RE Flash?

(Wally): Uh, yeah!

(Kara): Guys, shut up. There are other people here and we still need to keep our cover. But you seriously didn't realize until just then?

(Y/N): In my defense, I wasn't looking for him.

(Kara): You weren't looking for Supergirl either.

(Y/N): Alright, you win, Danvers.

Just then, the watches that Wally and Kara were wearing started beeping.

(Kara): I think that might be our ride home!

(Y/N): Really?

(Kara): Yeah! Want me to carry you there?

(Y/N): I can probably walk.

When the trio returned to the JSA's headquarters, they were lead in by Green Lantern and Red Tornado. They were brought down to the basement, where Earth 2 Flash was running on a treadmill that seemed to be powering a machine.

(Power Girl): Are you three ready to go home?

(Wally): I know I am!

(Kara): I think I am too. (Y/N)?

(Y/N): I'm gonna miss the pizza, but yeah. I'm ready.

Flash kept running on the treadmill until the machine it was attached to started making sparks. Not the type that looked like it would catch on fire, but the type that looked like they were supposed to happen.

Just as it was about to be fully powered, though, it suddenly stopped despite Earth 2 Flash still running. The machine slowly powered back off and eventually had smoke coming from it.

(Earth 2 Flash): I'm sorry, kids. I wasn't fast enough and this thing isn't going back online for a while. Not after that.

Following that, Kara walked out of the room, flying to the roof. (Y/N) decided to follow her there.

(Y/N): Hey, are you doing alright?

(Kara): No. We're trapped in another universe because I wasn't fast enough to get you out of the way. This is all my fault.

(Y/N): This isn't your fault, Kara. Nothing that's happened today has been. And for the record, there isn't anyone I'd prefer to be stuck in another universe with.

(Kara): Really?

(Y/N): Yeah!

(Kara): So, uh...did you have any idea that I was Supergirl?

(Y/N): I kinda got the idea when you hugged me.

(Kara): Yeah, that's what I was worried about. Thanks for being so understanding with this, though.

(Y/N): You're my best friend and you're Supergirl, how could I not? And judging from when we talked earlier, how'd you feel about being, like, together when we get back home?

(Kara): I'll be your girlfriend if you want to be my boyfriend.

(Y/N): Deal!

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