Part 14: the Perks of Dating a Superhero

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After a few months of (Y/N) and Kara officially being back on Earth 1 and in a relationship together, he found that dating a superhero has several benefits over a regular human. For one, the pair were sitting on top of a building eating a fast food lunch.

(Y/N): You know what?

(Kara): What?

(Y/N): This tastes way better a few hundred feet off the ground.

(Kara): I know right? This is my favorite place to just sit and think about stuff.

(Y/N): Yeah, I can see why. You can pretty much see Jersey from here

(Kara): I definitely can.

(Y/N): Well, duh. You have superpowers.

(Kara): Yeah.

(Y/N) then set down the packaging for his meal and leaned over, putting his head on Kara's lap.

(Y/N): This has been really fun. Definitely in my top ten lunch breaks.

(Kara): Just your top ten?

(Y/N): Well, there was that one time I found twenty bucks on the ground.

(Kara): Okay, that does sound pretty good.

(Y/N): Yeah. But for the record, this is probably the best one.

(Kara): Agreed. You done with your food? I can go throw out the wrappers if you want.

(Y/N): It's fine, I can do it.

(Kara): Okay.

(Y/N): I actually just thought of something. Where does your phone go when you're doing Supergirl stuff? Your suit doesn't have pockets.

(Kara): I just usually put that and some other stuff in a bag and leave it either at work or on a rooftop. But now that you mention it, pockets would be a good idea.

(Y/N): I want credit for that one.

(Kara): Sure thing, babe. You ready to go back down?

(Y/N): I am if you are.

(Kara): Alright then.

Kara then picked him and their trash up, flew him to be near his job and dropped him off.

(Kara): Are we still good for tonight?

(Y/N): Yep! Can't wait to see you.

(Kara): Sounds good then.

Not long after that, he got a notification on his phone. Kara sent him a selfie in the air with a text attached.

[Kara]: Love you!

[Y/N]: Love you too! :)

After that, the pair both went about their days, Kara mostly without suiting up for superhero activities. Later that evening, Kara landed by (Y/N)'s apartment. She was still in her Supergirl suit, but she had a bag of clothes to change into. She then knocked on the door.

(Kara): Hey, handsome.

(Y/N): Hey, Kara. You wanna change before we go?

(Kara): That would be great.

(Y/N): You know where my bedroom and the bathroom are, so take your pick.

(Kara): Thanks, babe.

She then kissed him and went to change. After Kara returned, she had a t-shirt, jeans and a jacket. Following that, the pair went to a restaurant for their date. It wasn't too fancy, but it was fairly nice.

(Kara): Wow, I didn't expect the food to be this good.

(Y/N): I know, right? I guess they want to justify being more expensive than that other place down the block.

(Kara): Honestly, that's probably it. Good thing we can afford it, though.

(Y/N): Yeah, I agree.

(Kara): We definitely have to come back here, babe. I might get hooked on this.

(Y/N): Hey, pace yourself, Kara. I'm not carrying you all the way back.

(Kara): You got that right.

(Y/N): Heh, good one.

(Kara): Thanks.

(Y/N): No problem. Dammit.

(Kara): What's wrong?

(Y/N): The ice in my drink melted.

(Kara): Can I have it real quick?

(Y/N): Sure, I guess.

Kara then used her freeze breath on the glass to chill his drink. Thankfully, the pair were in an empty corner of the restaurant.

(Y/N): Thanks, Kara. I don't know what I'd do without you.

(Kara): No problem.

After another half hour, the pair finished their meal. When they left the restaurant, they walked back to (Y/N)'s apartment.

(Kara): Today was really great, (Y/N). I had a lot of fun.

(Y/N): So did I! Do you wanna stay the night here?

(Kara): Honestly, that would be awesome. Actually, I have another idea on top of that.

(Y/N): I'm listening.

(Kara): Not like that, just come with me, okay?

(Y/N): Okay.

Kara led (Y/N) to the roof of his building and instructed him to grab on. He did and the pair left the ground, flying to the Daily Planet building, now after hours. She landed on the roof and the pair sat down.

(Y/N): Wow, this view is even better than the one earlier today.

(Kara): Especially when the sun's going down.

(Y/N): Yeah. Wait a minute, doesn't the sun gove you your powers?

(Kara): I can still use them when it's out of view. For one, the moon reflects a little bit. For another, it's kinda like a battery. I can use my powers until it runs out of juice, which is longer than one night when I'm on earth.

(Y/N): Okay, I think I get it.

(Kara): I can explain it again if you need me to.

(Y/N): Maybe later. You wanna know something?

(Kara): What?

(Y/N): I don't think I could've asked to end today off better than this.

(Kara): I totally agree.

After the sun finally went below where they could see, the pair got up and flew back to (Y/N)'s apartment. (Y/N) went straight to bed, and Kara joined him after a few minutes. She seemed a bit more energetic than before.

(Y/N): Why are you so excited?

(Kara): My boss called and said that I can have a day off tomorrow. We can sleep in.

(Y/N): That's awesome, Kara. You deserve it.

(Kara): Thanks, (Y/N).

(Y/N): No problem.

(Kara): Love you.

(Y/N): Love you too.

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