Part 5: the Party

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A few hours after Supergirl, or Kara Danvers, was sitting on a roof, questioning if she accidentally revealed her identity to her best friend (Y/N), or if she should, she met him at the door of her apartment. When she opened the door, Kara noticed her friend carrying a backpack.

(Kara): Hey (Y/N)! Uh, what's that for?

(Y/N): Oh, that. I brought some extra clothes in case it wasn't as casual as I'm hoping it is.

(Kara): Don't worry about it, okay? I asked Clark and he said what we have now is totally fine. You can leave your backpack in my apartment if you want to.

(Y/N): Thanks!

He took her up on the offer, placing it on a seat in Kara's living room. Following that, the pair made their way to her cousin's apartment building.

(Y/N): Hey, Kara?

(Kara): Yeah?

(Y/N): This is a lot farther than I thought when you said it was a "short walk".

(Kara): What do you mean? I haven't even broken a sweat yet.

(Y/N): Are you crazy? Three more blocks and I'm going to collapse on the sidewalk.

Kara then turned around to face her friend.

(Kara): You want me to carry you or something? It's not even that far now, he lives in the building at the end of this block.

(Y/N): I think I can make it. Is there an elevator?

(Kara): Yes, there's an elevator.

(Y/N): Good.

After that, the remaining few minutes of their journey to Clark and Lois's apartment went on without any problems. When they made it to the door, they were met by a woman, about ten years older than either of them, who hugged Kara.

(Woman): Hey, Kara. Is this your friend?

(Kara): Hi, Lois. Yeah, this is (Y/N). (Y/N), Lois Lane

(Y/N): It's nice to meet you.

(Lois): Right back at 'ya, kid. Come on in.

After that, Lois let the pair into the apartment. (Y/N) noticed that there were fewer people than he thought. Only one other person besides himself, Kara, Clark and Lois.

(Y/N): I thought you said this was for work friends. Shouldn't there be more people here?

(Kara): They like to keep their circle small. As far as I know, they always have.

(Y/N): Yeah, that's fair.

(Kara): Oh yeah. (Y/N), this is Jimmy Olsen. He's pretty much Clark's best friend.

(Y/N): Hi, it's nice to meet you.

(Jimmy): Nice to meet you too. I assume you're Kara's friend?

(Y/N): Yeah, she's kind of the best.

(Kara): Thanks, man.

(Y/N): I gotcha.

Following his introduction, (Y/N) grabbed (favorite drink) and sat on the couch. Following that, Kara pulled Clark aside while Lois sat down next to her friend.

(Lois): You two seem really close. It's great to see Kara feeling so at home here.

(Y/N): I mean, yeah. We talk a lot and we're best friends.

(Lois): That's really great. Just from what I've seen tonight, it's clear she cares about you a lot.

(Y/N): You think?

(Lois): Yeah. Honestly, you two remind me of how Clark and I were when we first met.

(Y/N): No way, really?

(Lois): Totally.

Meanwhile, in the hallway.

(Kara): Do you think I should tell him?

(Clark): Tell him what?

(Kara): You know...

Kara mimicked Clark's move of pulling back his shirt to reveal the 'S' symbol on his chest.

(Clark): Oh, that.

(Kara): Yeah. I want him to know who I am, but I don't want to put him in danger. What if Livewire or someone comes back and figures out they can get to me through him? He isn't bullet-proof.

(Clark): Before I told Lois, I was thinking the exact same thing. Eventually though, she figured out that I didn't really have to use the bathroom that much and I had to come forward and tell her.

(Kara): So, what are you saying?

(Clark): I'm saying that when the time is right, you'll know. Do you feel like you're lying to him?

(Kara): I mean, not really. I only had to run out once and he was really understanding. I just want him to know both sides of me.

(Clark): Sometimes, there's a big difference between your superhero self and your civilian self. Do you really think Batman is like that all the time?

(Kara): Heh. Good point. I know Barry is pretty much the same. You too.

(Clark): Some of us aren't as good at that. But you're still yourself whether you're wearing the cape or not. He knows you.

(Kara): Thanks for the talk, Clark.

(Clark): Any time, Kara.

After talking with her cousin, Kara joined (Y/N) on the couch after grabbing a drink herself.

(Kara): Thanks for coming, (Y/N). I really appreciate it.

(Y/N): No problem, Kara. I've actually enjoyed this a lot.

(Kara): That's really great to hear. Wanna hang out at my place after this?

(Y/N): Sounds good.

Kara then leaned her head on (Y/N)'s shoulder which led both, Kara especially, to start blushing.

(Y/N): Hey, uh...I didn't think that was gonna happen.

(Kara): Me neither. I'll move now.

She then slid to the opposite side of the couch.

(Kara): Are we still good for my place after this?

(Y/N): yeah. As long as we don't have to walk all the way back.

(Kara): I'll get us a taxi or something

(Clark): I can drive you guys there.

(Kara): Thanks, Clark.

(Clark): Any time!

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