Part 6: Coffee Meeting

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A few weeks after the party at Clark's apartment, (Y/N) was walking down a street, looking for Kara. The pair had decided to get coffee at a shop neither had been to, but it had good reviews, so why not? He was walking for about twenty minutes after getting off the subway. After a few more minutes, though, he did make it. Kara, on the other hand, was nowhere to be seen.

(Y/N): Huh, weird. I wonder where she-

Just then, he felt a hug from behind.

(Kara): Hey, (Y/N).

(Y/N): Hey, Kara. I was looking for you.

(Kara): Well, here I am!

(Y/N): Yep! You ready to go inside?

(Kara): I am if you are.

(Y/N): Sounds good then.

The pair then walked inside, ordered their drinks and food and sat at a table. As the pair ate, they discussed work. Unfortunately for the pair, however, Kara mentioned that she would have to travel for work in the next few weeks.

(Y/N): Seriously?

(Kara): Yeah.

(Y/N): Hey, it sucks that we won't be able to hang out for a week, but you're getting an interview with Bruce Wayne! You haven't even been a reporter for long, right?

(Kara): Just for about ten months. I transfered to the Planet when I moved here.

(Y/N): Hey, you've got this. There's no way you don't do great.

(Kara): Thanks, (Y/N). I really appreciate it.

(Y/N): No problem, Kara.

(Kara): I'm gonna miss you a lot, though.

(Y/N): I'm gonna miss you too, but we can do whatever you want when you get back.

(Kara): That would be awesome.

The pair then got up and hugged before walking out of the store.

(Kara): I didn't expect the food to be that good.

(Y/N): I know, right? Apparently they also have a couple locations in Gotham. Central City too.

(Kara): Oh wow, that's pretty cool.

(Y/N): Yeah, I might have seen that last night when I was looking the place up.

(Kara): Nice.

(Y/N): Yeah. You wanna keep walking so we can talk more?

(Kara): That sounds great.

And they did. The pair kept going and (Y/N) eventually circled back to the subject of Kara's work trip.

(Y/N): Hey, random question. How'd you get the interview with Wayne?

(Kara): Apparently he's announcing some new company project or something. I'm not that interested in it, but Clark and Jimmy were going and suggested me by name to our boss.

(Y/N): I don't know if I should say that's great or that sucks.

(Kara): Yeah, me neither. I guess it's gonna be a good way to get my name out there, though. I mean, it's Bruce Wayne!

(Y/N): Good point! Honestly, I'm really proud of you for this. You're gonna do great.

(Kara): Thanks, (Y/N). I really appreciate it.

(Y/N): No problem.

What she didn't tell him was that there was another reason for her trip to Gotham. In the next few weeks, Supergirl was going to be brought on as an official member of the Justice League after her return to Metropolis. Despite only having been a hero for about a year, only a few months of which were spent in Metropolis. That was another reason she wanted to tell (Y/N) who she really was.

The closer Kara got to (Y/N), the more she kept questioning whether she should reveal her identity as Supergirl to him. She couldn't help but worry about what could happen if he knew. Him being attacked by a supervillain was near the top of her list, but said list was quite long.

(Y/N): Hey, I had an idea.

(Kara): Really? What is it?

(Y/N): In theory, whenever you get back home after Gotham, would you want to have another movie night?

(Kara): Hypothetically, if that was going to happen, would you want me to bring a bag of chips?

(Y/N): Hypothetically speaking, that would be pretty great.

(Kara): Don't worry, I know the flavors you like.

(Y/N): What, have you been stalking me or something?

(Kara): I remember the ones I saw one time I came to your place.

A week prior, the pair had met at (Y/N)'s apartment. He had a few bags of chips on the counter. Kara, as it turned out, took notes.

(Y/N): You're the best, Kara.

(Kara): Thanks.

(Y/N): No problem.

The pair then side hugged while still walking. After another hour of hanging out, the pair decided to separate for the day. (Y/N) went back home for the evening, while Kara sat on a roof as the sun set. Thinking again about whether she should tell her friend about being Supergirl.

(Kara): Damn, Kal was right. This does look nice. (Y/N) would probably love this.

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