Part 18: Slow Morning

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When (Y/N) first woke up in his bed, he was initially surprised by the fact that Kara wasn't there. That surprise was soon relieved by Kara floating into the doorway.

(Kara): Hey, babe. I couldn't find a thing to make pancakes on, but you have a waffle iron, so I'm doing that instead.

(Y/N): Oh okay. Wait, I have a waffle maker

That revelation is what properly woke him up.

(Kara): Yep! It was in the back of a cabinet, not sure if it's been used, well, ever.

(Y/N): Oh yeah, my parents got me that before I moved to Metropolis. I guess I never got around to using it.

(Kara): Yeah, I get that. I'm gonna get back to that if you want to join me.

(Y/N): Deal.

(Y/N) then went to join Kara in the kitchen. He began making coffee (or tea if you prefer) for the pair and brought out toppings for the waffles as Kara returned to the waffle iron.

(Y/N): Hey babe, what do you want on your waffles?

(Kara): Whipped cream and chocolate chips.

(Y/N): Gotcha!

(Kara): Thanks for helping on this, (Y/N).

(Y/N): No problem, Kara. I'm not gonna make you do this alone.

(Kara): I love you so much.

(Y/N): I love you too.

A few minutes later.

(Y/N): Dammit, my drink's cold.

(Kara): You want some help with that?

(Y/N): Do your magic, babe.

(Kara): Will do!

Kara then used her heat vision to make (Y/N)'s drink hot again. She found that to be one of the best uses for it outside of Supergirl business.

(Y/N): Thanks, Kara. You're the best.

(Kara): You are too, (Y/N).

(Y/N) then turned on the TV and flipped through several channels before seeing a news report. Apparently a group of men stole some super villain-level weapons from what was planned to be an arms deal that went downhill fast. They were fairly close to (Y/N)'s apartment on the news report.

(Kara): Sorry babe. I have to take care of this.

(Y/N): I totally get it. Give 'em hell.

(Kara): That's the plan. I promise I'll be right back.

Kara then kissed (Y/N)'s forehead, suited up and flew off to bring the group of men down. When she caught up to them, the men saw that she was not in the mood to be dealing with them. She stopped their pickup truck by grabbing the front, melting the front tires with her heat vision.

(Guy 1): Shit! Supergirl's here, floor it!

(Guy 2): I'm tryin' man! She's got a hold on us!

The third man, located in the truck bed, got up and began firing at Kara, though the concussive blasts didn't do anything more than cracking the pavement and making her cape blow around.

(Kara): I was THIS close to having a nice, peaceful morning.

The first man, located in the passenger seat, began searching his bag for weapons, pulled one out and fired, but found that it was a grappling hook.

(Guy 2): Way to go, man!

(Guy 1): What!? I don't know what the hell these things do!

(Kara): You're stealing weapons that you don't know how to use. You're going to hurt or kill someone with these, so hand them over.

The men in the truck cab threw the bag of weapons out of the truck, making a beam shoot out of one before Kara destroyed it. After that, Kara grabbed all three men as well as a rope from the back of the truck, tying them up and placing them there.

After she left the men tied up in their truck, Kara flew back to (Y/N)'s apartment to join him for the rest of the morning. She disconnected her cape and put one of his shirts over her suit.

(Kara): Hey, I'm back.

(Y/N): Hey. You did great out there!

(Kara): Thanks, (Y/N). You're the best.

(Y/N): You are too, Kara. You want some more coffee?

(Kara): That'd be great.

A few minutes after the pair returned to cuddling on the couch, Kara got a notification on her phone.

(Y/N): What's up?

(Kara): An email from Mr. White. He said there's a mandatory meeting tomorrow.

(Y/N): Damn. Good luck with that, he doesn't seem like the easiest guy to deal with.

(Kara): He isn't when he's frustrated, but he's a pretty good boss.

(Y/N): Yeah, I get it. I've had some like that before.

(Kara): Yeah.

(Y/N): In that case, let's just enjoy this while it lasts.

(Kara): Say no more, babe.

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