Part 17: Livewire

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(Kara): I'll be right back, okay?

(Y/N): Okay. But you're making pancakes tomorrow.

(Kara): Sounds like a deal. Love you!

(Y/N): Love you too.

And with that, Kara flew off to find and fight Livewire. When she landed, she noticed that Livewire was attacking an electric substation. She turned to see the Metropolis PD officers.

(Kara): Oh my god.

(Cop 1): What do you need us to do?

(Kara): Get any civilians nearby out of here! I'm going in.

(Cop 2): You heard the lady; move your asses!

Kara went into the substation to find Livewire. She managed to see her through several walls, and broke through the last one.

(on a related note, I'd cast Mae Whitman here)

(Kara): Alright, Leslie! You're going down this time!

(Livewire): Good luck, hun! I have enough electricity here to kill a whole herd of elephants!

(Kara): And what're you planning on doing with it?

(Livewire): Like I'm gonna tell you!

Meanwhile, outside the substation.

(Reporter): We're live outside the largest substation in the metro area, inside which Supergirl is no doubt engaging Livewire in a battle. Early reports have confirmed both present.

(Y/N): Oh shit.

Just then, (Y/N) saw a line of several trucks flying (metaphorically, not literally of course) down the street. Inside the trucks, several men were shouting. Something about "the boss" and a "jackpot".

(Y/N): Oh shit.

(Y/N) then began typing a number into his phone, before calling.

(Y/N): Hey Clark? It's (Y/N). There's, uh…a bunch of guys in trucks.

(Clark): I saw the news, you think that's related to what Kara's doing?

(Y/N): Honestly, yeah.

(Clark): I'll look into it, okay?

(Y/N): Sounds good.

Not long after, Clark suited up and took off. He landed in front of the trucks, seeing that they had countless electronics, guns and suitcases full of money.

(Clark): I'd say you've all gotten about far enough, wouldn't you?

(Driver 1): It's Superman! Get your asses outta here and get to the rendezvous point!

(Driver 2): Copy that, moving out now.

(Clark): Do you realize how fast I can move? You guys need to take a quick break, how about the local prison?

Clark then lifted one truck and carried it to the yard of a nearby prison. After that, he flew off to get the other trucks. When he caught up to them, he stopped the trucks by simply holding out his hands before taking the goons out of the trucks and into prison with their "coworkers".

After his work was finished on Livewire's goons, Clark called Kara using a com he removed from his belt buckle.

(Clark): Kara, are you okay? I can-

(Kara): -I'm fine, Kal! I have this under control. Trust me.

(Clark): I always have. Good luck.

(Kara): Since when have I needed luck?

(Clark): You've got me there. 

(Kara): Yeah. Thanks for the help!

(Clark): Any time.

Kara then grabbed Livewire as the electric villain threw both of them through a fence and fired lightning at her. Kara was sent through the front of a building before flying back out, tackling Livewire.

The pair's fight continued for much longer than their last meetings. Eventually, their battle was brought -intentionally by Kara- to the Metropolis port. Surrounding them with water. Kara had high ground compared to her opponent, but Livewire was approaching her, electricity crackling in her hands.

(Livewire): When are you gonna get it? You're not gonna stop me! I'M TOO POWERFUL FOR YOU!

(Kara): Wanna bet?

Livewire formed electric whips, spinning them as she approached Kara. Kara fired her heat vision at Livewire, but seemed to miss her target.

(Livewire): Aww, looks like 'ya missed. Now it's time to-

Just then, Livewire heard the water tower several yards behind her starting to make sounds that usually, it isn't meant to. The tower crashed down, spreading water all across the ground.

(Livewire): Oh fu- AAAAAAAHHHHHHH!

Livewire began short circuiting, letting out distorted screams as it happened. Eventually, she fell unconscious. Kara picked up Livewire and carried her to a secure facility.

Following that, Kara returned to (Y/N)'s apartment. It was two in the morning, so she was surprised to see her boyfriend still awake, waiting for her.

(Kara): (Y/N), I-I'm sorry. I thought you were sleeping.

(Y/N): It's okay. I'm not gonna go to sleep when my girlfriend is out fighting a supervillain.

(Kara): Thanks, babe.

She walked over to him, and the pair hugged.

(Y/N): No problem. I wasn't in the middle of it this time.

(Kara): Thank Rao that you weren't.

(Y/N): Who's Rao?

(Kara): A god that's-that was worshiped on Krypton. It's still weird talking about it in the past tense.

(Y/N): Yeah, I get it. If the same happened to Earth, I'd do the same thing.

(Kara): Yeah. You ready to go to bed now?

(Y/N): I am if you are.

(Kara): Sounds like a deal.

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