Why Slender always wears a suit

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Me: Hello people of the world I'm gonna do some creepypasta. YAAAY!!!! I still have no idea what it is but I'll try (keyword try) Ok so I always wondered why Slenderman always wears a suit...

Slender: None of your business

Me: Don't be a salad dude

Jeff: Aren't we supposed to answer questions? And were are the other people?

Me: Hold up I just met you. Ill do stuff with the other guys later on. And I'm not good with dares so ill let the next person do them (sorry there are not any dares)

Jeff: So back to the main subject. Slender guy why do you always dress up nice?

Slender: ...

Jeff: Answer me! *pulls out knife*

Slender: Ok Jeff...


My prom date told me to meet her in the woods so that's were I was. The I saw her standing there. I went to follow her till I realized that wasn't her. She wasn't herself.

"Yui..." I called. She turned around and tried to stab me. I knew this wasn't like her. I thought she cared. I looked at her face that had a brain dead stare.

"Yui! I called again. She just looked at me. "Yui snap out of it we have to go!" She pulled the knife into the air and tried to stab me again. This time she missed. I stood there in shock not knowing if I should leave her, but I loved her I couldn't let her go not now not ever.

"Yui if I can't pull you out of this ill tell you one more thing. I love you... please come back." Her face regained color and she said " Meet me in the woods at midnight." She then fell. Her body was ice cold. "Yui come back." I yelled I could hardly feel her pulse. Was this really the end. I cant imagine her dead. I would say that I loved her one more time before I left her. But I left without a word. I did say goodbye. It was too much. I always wear a suit because of her. I always go to the woods at midnight waiting, waiting to see her again. I knew she wasn't coming back but I had hope. My hope was all in her. It was in her coming to see me. I miss her so much but I know she is gone. But I still go to the woods at midnight so my hope will live on.

Jeff: Wow that's deep.

Me: Yeah

Slender: JK. I wear suits because I like to look nice. That was all just a story I made up on the spot.

Jeff: *Pulls out knife again* I'm gonna kill you.

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