Games, Tricks, And All In Between

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Piper: Hello everybody I am back!

LJ: Yay! *jumps on Piper*

Piper: *cant breathe* Get. Off. Of. Me

LJ: Oops *gets off*

Piper: Anyways let's get started.

@AlexandraEsguerra8: I dare smiley and GRINNY to switch their fur hair.

Smiley: *wide eyes*

Grinny: *evil glare*

Piper: Now let's just hope they don't kill each other *claps hands slowly*

@AlexandraEsguerra8: I dare Charlie to cosplay as pigsaw.

Charlie: *walks in fabulously in a pigsaw outfit*

Sally: O_o

Slender: O_o

Everyone: O_o

@AlexandraEsguerra8: I dare Offendy to eat 3 million roses, if he doesn't he can't rape people anymore.

Offendy: *looks at the 3 million thorn covered roses* This will be awhile. . . .

@AlexandraEsguerra8: I dare Slendy to give me his tendrils and if he doesn't I will draw on his face and it won't come of ever

Slendy: *cries as be heads them over* My babiessssss

Piper: Oh shut up you lil whiny ass I bet you can grow them back

Slendy: Oh yea I can!

Piper: *facepalm*

@AlexandraEsguerra8: I dare everyone to play spin the bottle.

Piper: For fucks sake. . .

*everyone in a circle*

Piper: Slendy you first.

Slendy*spins bottle and it lands on Sally*

Sally: *wide eyes*

Slendy: I'm out. *pushes bottle away and goes upstairs*

Killer: *raises hand* I'll go. *spins bottle and lands on Ender£

Piper: Tee Hee *pushes them into closet* Have fun with that.

Jeff: My turn! *spins bottle and lands on BEN*

Piper: *whispers* Yes!

BEN: Well it's a part of the game. *kisses Jeff*

Piper: *eternally dies*

LJ: Okay my turn!

BEN: Wait isn't it my tu-

LJ: *glares* No it's my turn. *spins bottle and it lands on Piper*

Piper: Of course.

LJ: *tries picking up Piper*

Piper: Clown boy put me down, I have a fucking chapter to host.

LJ: *grumbles* Fine but you owe me later.

@ghoulxsoul: Hey remember me it's Aviance!

Piper: Avaince! It's been so long!

@ghoulxsoul: I dare Jeff to hit his head on a wall til he faints.

BEN: *laughs* Ready set go

Jeff: *starts hitting his head repeatedly* This is so fun. *starts black in out* I'm sleepy goodnight.

Piper: *falls on the floor laughing* beautiful! *claps*

@ ghoulxsoul: I dare LJ to take Jeff's blood and give it to Bloody Painter.

LJ: *disgusted face* Really?

Piper: *rolls eyes* You mess with blood all the time dumbass.This should be easy.

LJ: *sighs* Fine. *takes Jeff's blood*

Piper: Here I will call Bloody Painter since he's my BFF. *calls bloody painter*

Bloody Painter: Hello?

Piper: Hey it's Piper we got some blood for you!

Bloody Painter: Sweet just mail it over.

Piper: Alright by BP. *hangs up*

@ghoulxsoul: Sally chase BEN with your teddy bear.

Sally: *evil smirk*

BEN: O_o

Sally: *starts running after BEN*

BEN: *girly screaming*

Sally: Don't run away! He just wants to eat your soul! No biggy!

BEN: It's gonna kill me!

Piper: *hiding in the shadows recording*

Shebrine: Why are you recording?

Piper: *shrugs* it might come in handy in the future.

@ghoulxsoul: Smile dog chase Jane and Jeff into a closet, then lock them in there for 30 minutes.

Piper: Fuck yes this will be fucking amazing.

Smile: *licks Jeff to wake him up*

Jeff: Man I'm dizzy.

Smile: *growls*

Jeff: Ummm Jane can you help me with Smile dog? He isn't acting like himself.

Jane: Sure. *walks towards them*

Smile: *growls louder and starts running after them*

Jeff: *grabs Janes hand* RUN

Jane: *screams*

Smile: *chases them to closet*

Piper: *slams the door and locks it. Karmas a bitch am I right?

Smile: *nods*

Piper: Okay so if you haven't already read on my personal Ask CP, I'm doing a time capsule thing that I won't be able to open til when I graduate in four years. I have like pictures, notes etc in it so far. But I really want to have messages from you guys to put in my time capsule to read when I open it in four years. So message me on my main account Lover_joey or message me on kik with a message you want me to write and put in the box for the future. I fucking love you guys and see ya next Sunday!

Ringleader: WAIT

Piper: What?

Ringleader: *hands swear jar to Piper*

Piper: I didn't swear!

Sally: You swore 8 times. . .

Piper: Oops *puts money in jar* PEACE

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