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After that little team conversation, everything is going quite smooth. The seniors who were once bullying or ragging me are now treating me like their long lost fellow. I mean seriously after that day they are giving treats, helping me with work and also study. After that day I get to know the real work of intern. The WhatsApp group that they added me in, that's where Dr.Ian send task and shift related notice and we have to proceed accordingly, like yesterday Ryan had to type discharge paper and I had to again write history but instead on paper,I had to feed it in computer.  That group was the key for everything. 

But one thing I don't understand in all this ,  Dr.Ian is the head of that group and he must knew that I am not in the group. Even after knowing that I didn't know about the timings he punished and scolded me and warned me to stop with excuses. 

I asked Ryan about Ian sir and also Daniel sir, why he pull all this. He straightly told me it's a kind of ritual, every junior had to go through. He also went through all this ragging but he never got punished, just being scolded and mocked off. After hearing that I felt revolted.

Ryan told me not to take it by heart, it's a way of him to teach, Ian sir have a crooked way to teach. But I took it. How is this a way to teach? What am I learning through this?cutting my whole study hours, making me spend my time in cleaning medicine room. He doesn't realise how much I went through in that history taking thing, how much guardians eared me off? What he knows how much I was mocked by nurses of medicine department just because he scolded me in front of them they get an opening to criticise me. 

I am not telling him to stop Daniel or anyone from ragging me but at least he shouldn't had supported them. When I first saw him on my joining day, I don't know, something stirred in my heart, a feeling , to proof myself to him. To be a junior that he remembers but now I am not gonna do anything like that. He is not that kind of person who will appreciate somebody.His way of teaching, My foot. I want to ask him on his face what lesson did I learn but I cannot. Because at the end of day he is my senior and getting involved with senior is different than with super senior.

It was almost my time for ward duty.I took out my pad, pen, coat and went towards ward. It's our daily work to check all the patients in ward twice. We basically look at their heartbeat, BP, medicines or ask them about their pain or anything. Me and Ryan have divided the work. He checks in morning and me evening.

As I was just outside the ward I spotted Mrs.Lily Clinton beside his husband, Charles. That's very unusual. Mrs.Clinton is the talk of hospital nowadays. Around a month ago she and her husband's had came to the hospital that day they get to know that Lily is pregnant. After that day they came weekly for checkup and in every checkup he always came with her. Whole hospitals was talking about how much Charles loves Lily. They were like a happy lovey-dovey couple.But three days ago everything changed. Her husband got admitted in our department. According to Lily her husband Charles drank acid mistakenly. His whole throat, mouth, food pipe oesophagus got burnt due to this but that's not the talk. Talk is her wife Lily.

In the last three days Lily  never visited him once . She came to hospital daily but just sit outside the ward and after a time left. All the nurses bitch behind her back about her like she don't care about her husband? How her husband immensely loves her and supported her in her hard time but  instead of attending her husband she is using that time to get dolled up? She must be behind his money. 

I looked at her. She was standing beside Charles, looking at him, holding his hand with an unwavering affection.How one can say she doesn't love her husband?

"Hlo Mrs. Lily"

She got little startled by my voice and abruptly leave his hand. Her face got washed with horror but she composed herself in seconds. What was that?

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