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"Where were you Miss Bennett this morning."

He asked me sitting across the desk, focusing on me.

"Staff room.... I was studying." My voice cracked a little due to fear.Although I could not look at him but I could feel his annoyance.

"Is that so? If you were in the hospital premises then why you were not in clinical ward?"

Confusion washed over me. What was he talking about? When was I supposed to be there? Is this why he is angry?

Basically in clinical ward we check patients and try to diagnose them and provide medicine accordingly and if case is serious we shift them to ward. But I was not informed about anything.

"In the clinical ward? I... I wasn't informed about that," I stammered, trying to make sense of the situation. "If I had known, I would have been there. I was in the hospital," I defended myself.

"Is that so?" He scoffed and stood from his chair."Surprisingly miss Benett, you were in the hospital but when I send Ryan to fetch you, you were nowhere to be found." He said in his cold tone.

What the hell is he talking about. When did Ryan came and how the hell I didn't noticed. What is happening around me.I thought, my mind racing to comprehend the situation.

"Believe me sir I was in the hospital I moved from my seat once to grab a cup of coffee maybe that time he came to find me." I tried to be reasonable.

"Oh that's why I found you with your ex senior when you just moved once." He sneered, his words laced with sarcasm.His every word is passed through me like a shiver.

"No, that time I was just bored....."

"Quit it with the lies,Miss Bennett". He grumbled as he forcefully slammed his hand on the desk. The sound jolted me, making me flinch, and for the first time, I dared to look directly at him. Throughout our interaction, I had been avoiding his gaze, either staring at the ground or gazing around his dreary office. But now, as I met his eyes, a wave of fear washed over me. He stood there, towering like a self-righteous judge, while I stood here, feeling like a lowly criminal. The only difference is that there's no one to defend me, and the verdict has already been decided.

"You think you can just disregard the rules, Miss Benett? In the medical world, there are countless regulations to follow, but two of them are absolutely vital. Be punctual and be present. Yet, you managed to break them both within a span of two days. Yesterday, you arrived late, and today, you weren't even where you were supposed to be.

Is this the kind of doctor you aspire to be? "He snarled.

At that moment, every fiber of my being trembled, and tears welled up, blurring my vision.

"Sir I am not lying." I tried to plead him. "I was in the hospital. That time I must have gone to grab coffee."

"Yesterday I accept was my fault but today I am unaware about this whole situation."

My voice was wobbling but I controlled it. I am not going to cry. This is rule for me never cry in front of your senior.

"Stop.with.the.excuses. Miss Benett. Someone's life is not an execuse." I flinched again. His voice reverberated through the whole cabin.

Despite my attempts to explain myself he is not ready to listen, it seems that my explanations are falling on deaf ears. Unfortunately, he refuses to acknowledge my side of the story. It appears that, in his eyes, I am already presumed guilty, rendering any attempts at clarification futile. In silence, I found myself standing, fixated on my shoes, while my unruly hair cascaded around my face, concealing any trace of expression. Don't cry. Don't cry.

"Sir we have an emergency." Before he could say more to me a nurse intervened. He looked at nurse and then to me briefly.

"I am coming." He took his coat. "We will finish this later." and left the cabin.

The moment cabin's door closed tears that I had been holding fell. His word echoed in my head causing a wave of emotion to wash over me.

Is this how you going to be a doctor.

I let my tears fell. How could he say that? It was not even my fault. I know he is senior but at least he should had listen to me. I was not lying. 

Throughout my entire medical career, I had never faced discipline. I was known as a hardworking individual, a good girl. Yet, in just two days at this new department, I had been scolded, punished, and criticized by the staff.

You can't change what had happened but you can try to change their perspective.You should also go Amelia and help.

Yeah I should. Some mistakes are unavoidable but life also give chances to rectify. I wipes my blurry eyes and ran to the ward.

"Ah.... Ahaaaa......doctor it's paining ahhhhh."

A patient was wreathing in pain and resident doctor, interns, nurses were surrounding him. Dr Ian was holding him. I get closer to the patient and it was Harry, the one who helped me during my history taking punishment. I worriedly went to him.

"What happened to him?"

Dr Ian looked at me briefly. I stood beside harry.

"Ahhhaaa... ahaaaaaaaaa."

"We have to increase his painkiller dose. Miss Benett go and fetch painkillers from medicine room." He ordered me while examining him.

Medicine room? I don't know where is it. I stood there blankly. Dr Ian looked at me and signalled me to move. I shaked my head and try to convey him I don't know. Looks like life is giving me more unavoidable mistakes instead of chance to rectify.


"Yes sir."

"Fetch a painkiller. Fast." He ordered him without moving his furious gaze from me.

You know in my whole life, very few times I got disappointed. I felt helpless. I feel disappointed in.... Myself.


Hello 👋 readers. So thoughts about chapter. Disappointment is a big emotion but getting disappointed in yourself is huge. Hope Amelia will fight back.

Love you 😘 readers like comment and share.

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