16. The day Jisoo got angry

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Jisoo wasn't a person to get angry, her parents wouldn't get mad at her and would tell her calmly rather than yelling. It still scared the Kim, but she doesn't get very angry- annoyed? Yes.

But the day Jisoo experienced anger- Hell would be coming.

The brunette, The Park's, Jennie, and Lisa were on their way to the location of Chaeyoung's audition. The blonde was talking to her friends in the back as her father drove the car, the four were playing I Spy with Mrs. Park. Jisoo was too blind to play causing Lisa to have an advantage and try to cheat, of course, Jennie called her out.

"You guys are no fun." Lisa huffs as she crossed her arms.

"You cheated." Jisoo stocked her tongue out.

"Nobody told you to pick something outside that we haven't passed yet." Jennie reminds her.

"Mrs. Park! They're bullying me!" Lisa whines.

"Lisa sweetie...you did cheat."

"You too!?" Lisa groans.

"See my mom knows you'll cheat!" Chaeyoung laughs at her, "Haha!"

"Oh shut it." Lisa looks out the window seeing the statue, the same one that made her lose, pass by.

"Chaeyoung-ah, are you nervous?" Jennie leaned over from her seat.

"A little." Chaeyoung says, "But I'm sure I'll be great?"

"Great? You'll be amazing!" Mr. Park spoke up, "We'll be cheering for you!"

"Yeah! We'll go out for dinner after." Mrs. Park adds, "That includes you girls as well, Lisa."


When they arrived Chaeyoung looked out the window seeing the large line outside, she opened the car door and waved everyone goodbye to get in line. The blonde walked over to the table where a lady gave her a sticker, Chaeyoung thanked her before walking towards the line.

She held her head down as she was instantly immediately by everyone in line, the girl didn't dare to look at who was in front of her since they all were better looking than her. When she stood in line, she felt her phone buzz seeing it was a text from Jisoo.

You'll do amazing, just relax.

It reads, Chaeyoung lowered her phone away and smiled to herself. Jisoo was right, she was worrying maybe too much. She prepared her song many times and got many approvals, she's got this...

"What do you think we'll eat?"

Lisa asked as she watched Jisoo pace back and forth as they sat on the other side of the building, she watched as Jisoo was playing a game with Jennie. Jennie raised her arms in victory as Jisoo's shoulders slumped in defeat.

"We're waiting for Chaeyoung and all you're thinking about is food?" Alice asked as she sat beside the Thai.

"Who wouldn't?" Lisa says, "Chae is probably doing the same thing."

"Trust me, all my sister thinks about is Jisoo and food." Alice laughs.

"Do you think she'll pass?" Jennie spoke up.

"Hopefully, she's been practicing for a long time." Alice sighs, "Chaeyoung always had a passion for singing."


"I think she'll make it." Jisoo smiles, "I know she will."

If Jisoo said she wasn't scared, she'd be lying. Of course she was, she was worried if the industry would change Chaeyoung. The blonde was a good little soul that was too kind for reality, which made Jisoo feel scared. Would it be bad if-

"What happens if she doesn't?" Lisa questions what was pondering on everyone's mind.

"I'll kill them," Jisoo answered.

As it seemed like years passed by, they finally watched as the doors opened again to another person walking out. Everybody waited until Chaeyoung walked out of those doors, Jisoo happily waited outside with a sign above her head. When Chaeyoung walked out, Jisoo happily cheered but Jennie immediately shut her up.

"Chaeyoung?" Mr. Park called out seeing the girl walking towards them with her head down.

"Sweetie?" Mrs. Park walked towards her daughter and stopped her, "is everything okay?"

"I-I didn't make it."

"What?!" Lisa yelled from behind.

"They said I was bad, Mom." Chaeyoung cried, "They told me my song sucked and my guitar seemed out of tune!" The poor blonde cried into her mother's arms.

"But it was perfectly tuned!" Mr. Park objects, "these Bastards!"

"They made a fool out of me." Chaeyoung frowns, "they even laughed at me."

"Aw Roseanne, it's okay. Honey, it'll be alright." Mrs. Park hugged her daughter tightly, "It's not the end of the world."

"I never want to go through that again," Chaeyoung says as her parents watched her with sad eyes.

"Hey, where's Jennie and Jisoo?" Lisa asked looking around confused, she looked over at Alice who shrugged.


"U-Unnie!" Jennie gasped as the older girl burst through the audition doors, she held onto the girl's arm trying to pull her back.


"YOU MOTHERFUCKERS! YOU LISTEN TO ME!" Jisoo marched her way over to the table, slamming her hands down at the table.


*Cue the opera music*

Jennie's jaw dropped and her eyes widened as she had the same reaction as the judges and the people inside that room, she's never seen Jisoo this angry. The brunette had used every curse word that Jennie could ever imagine, the level of shock was something Jennie couldn't make words out of.

Never get Kim Jisoo mad or Don't make Park Chaeyoung cry.

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