Chapter two

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"Why am I here Tsukauchi?" I asked, walking down the hallway of the white-painted hospital.

"Her name is YN Ln and she has been involved in many illegal activities." The police chief reported back to me. Thinking of his response, it still didn't answer my question.

"Yes I know but why am I here," I asked again.

" she has a very dangerous quirk... I mean she is the daughter of the red dragon" he muttered.

The red dragon, the second-ranked pro in Hong Kong, I thought he only had one daughter and from what I know she's still in the city of walls.

"Are you serious, why is she here in Japan?" I questioned, looking at the short-hired man for a response. A million questions still floating in my head.

"Yes I'm serious and we're not sure she hasn't woken up yet, but by the looks of it, it's not good, Apparently she was found in only undergarments with a big burn on her back," Tsukauchi said, voice laced with concern.

Frowning, I was led into a room, guarded by two police officers. Walking in I saw a mop of H/C hair peeking out of the cotton blanket.

Walking over to the chair beside the girl I decided that was going to be my resting place for now. Sweeping the pink petals off the brown leather chair I sat down.

Looking down at the young girl who was now visible, my heart jumped.

Holy shit, she looks like a doll. Examining her face I tried to pick out a flaw but soon realized she had none.

Not willing to stare any longer I looked out of the window, the chary blossoms contrasting the blue skies.

'She kind of reminds me of that...' I thought, hiding my blush in my scarf.

Looking back I was greeted by the girl sitting up.

"The fuck you looking at old man," she said, making my blush completely disappear.

"Not you," I replied bluntly, cringing at her. Ah, god I should have known that she would be a spoiled princess.

Standing up from the chair I pressed the call button.

Sitting back down and enjoying the view, I waited for the nurse to walk in. Hearing a squeak from the girl I snapped my head to her.

Seeing her rub her back in pain.
"Hay don't touch that, the nurses will come and check it out,"I said,worried.

"No one asked you," the girl said sarcastically. crossing her arms and looking at me with an unamused face.

Grunting, I rolled my eyes.

'Remind me to never feel pity for that brat again.'

Hearing the door open, I turned my head to see a kind-looking nurse carrying a clipboard approaching Ln.

Tuning out of the two girl's conversation my mind started to wonder.

Ignoring their mouths moving, my gaze fell on the girl's hair, a big chunk of the long hair was missing at the back. It was ugly.

What a strange girl, but then again maybe it's just the trend between high schoolers. Turning her head, her red eyes met with mine.

"Hay old man, can you leave?" the girl said not breaking eye contact,

"Nope, " I stated bored looking away from the girl's gaze,

"Ah, whatever, just don't look at me." the girl huffed, her sweet voice contrasting with her attitude.

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