Chapter nine

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Almost a month has passed since I started school again, and things are going well.
Shota and Hitoshi are getting along very well, even to the point that Shouta allows my cousin to join us on patrol.
It's almost like we're a big happy family.

At school, it's excellent, too I've gotten close to Mina and Denki and, strangely, All might . I guess it's because Tshinori ( All might) always hangs around Shota.

As usual, I woke to my alarm and felt heavy arms around me. Slapping the clock, I turned to face the messy-haired man.

"Get up, rat," I said, chuckling, brushing the black locks out of his face. Instead of letting go of me, he just pulled me closer.

"Let me go, you're breath stinks!" I yell, thrashing about . Seeing the man in front of me grin, I knew he would do something.
Feeling his hot breath on my face. Screaming, I tried wriggling out of his arms with no success.

Soon a loud bang was heard; turning my head, I saw Hitoshi at the door looking disgusted.

"what the fuck?" He said, fake vomiting out of the doorway.

"Toshi, wait," I said, not wanting him to get the wrong idea and ignoring my pleas; he returned to his room.

"fuck you, you just have to be weird!" I said to Shouta, hitting him in the face with a pillow.

"come on, you started it," he said casually, letting go of me and getting up from the soft bed.

"Whatever; you have to explain to him what that was," I said gesturing with my hands.

"Why would I do that? He's your cousin." He said smugly

"myrrh, whatever," I said, not coming up with any retorts.

After dressing up for school, I prepared breakfast.
Waffles and fruit.
Hearing the pitter-patter of feet, I turned to see Shinsou's head down.

"Can you set the table," I said, too embarrassed to talk about what Shinsou saw or what he thought he saw.

The three of us ate in silence. Then quickly left for school.

The day went fast, anticipating the field trip my class was going on after lunch.

(I'm skipping the media breaking in )
Sitting with the Baku squad in the cafeteria, I couldn't stop laughing about how excited I was. A break from my routine was exactly what I needed. Hearing someone sitting beside me, I turned to see the same purple-haired boy from that morning. How embarrassing.

Recently he's been sitting with me, mainly because he likes hanging out with a certain blond.

"HAY!" Denki screeched at the boy excitedly.

"Hay..." Shinso said in a down-in-the-dumps kind of voice.

"dude, what's wrong, your usually dull, but today you're just depressing," Denki said with his tongue poking out.

"It's nothing. I just saw something today," he said, fack shivering, glancing at me.

"Okay, explain ", Mina said, acting like it was her birthday.

Giving my best 'be quite look' to him seemed to be ineffective cause he continued.

"Well, I saw two people, you know," he said, eating a spoonful of rice. Almost everyone at the table gasped except for me and Bakugo.

"where was it. Was it at school? "Karashima wheezed.

"oh my god, what a scandal." Mina almost screamed.

"no, it was at home. It was like walking into a horror movie, and they were so loud, too" He grinned. Me still staring daggers at him.

"Man, that's the worst. I'd rather die than see my parent 'doing it'," Denki stated.

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