I woke up to my alarm. I hastily grabbed my phone and turned off the ring.
I brushed my teeth and washed my face. Once I was done freshening up I walked downstairs to the kitchen, still in my PJs, to make coffee. I need this stuff, or Shouta won't wake up. After our time together, I realize the only way to wake him up was with a bribe."Hay! wake up", I said, walking into his room half asleep.
"Go away, annoying", he grunted, shuffling deeper into his pillows.
"I have coffee," I said while putting it under his nose. He reacted quickly, muttering thanks and grabbing it.
Heading back to the kitchen, I heated up leftovers. I lay it all on the table and walked around upstairs to my room to change and do my makeup. I love doing my makeup. It's my favourite part of my day.
Today I decided to tie up my hair since it was oily from the day before. Looking at the mirror, I couldn't help gaze at myself, my face, my body, my hair. It's only been two months, and I can hardly recognize myself.
Heading down to Shouta's room with my head in the clouds.
Opening Shouta's door. No knocking as usual."Hay breakfast is...Heh heh, he.." I giggled with a smug look forming on my face. In a flash, I puked up my phone, snapped a few pics of the shirtless man in front of me. Hastily I ran out of the room, leaving Aizawa in shock.
I needed to send this to Coco if I prove to her that Aizawa is ripped then she owes me a hundred bucks.
Suddenly I felt a hand on my shoulder making my my head turn around. Looking at the man behind me made me panic for his expression full of rage.
Frightened, I quickly ran. Shouta close behind me hair raised. Yelping, I tripped over the couch making me skid my ness on the hard wood floor. Knowing trying to run would be futile I pressed my phone tightly to my chest, still trying to send the photo. finally Shouta caught up to me and stood over my back panting. Trying to grab my phone from behind he accidentally grabbing something he shouldn't have, making me squeal.
Hand still over my boob, I looked back at him. Are faces were so near.
"Let go all ready..." I whispered feeling my face heat up. Covering my my blush i dropped my phone. Letting go he caught the phone in his hand.Looking down at the box his expression of anger soon changed into a one of amusement.
"Why would you send this to Coco?" He said trying not to laugh.
"We have a bet," I muttered under my breath.
"On what?" He said with a shit-eating grin.
"what you would look like shirtless..." I whispered, hoping he wouldn't be hear.
"Louder." He demanded.
"What you would look like shirtless!" I said a little too loud.
Aizawa just lagged in response, helping me and leading me to the breakfast table. While eating Shouta just couldn't help but 'tease. More like a bullying in my opinion. Once the tables had become silent. One thing had lingered on my mind.
"Hay Shou you know sometimes I think your boobs are bigger than mine," I said thinking out loud and regretting it. Finishing my mouthful of egg.
"they're not," He said looking at my chest with utmost confidence.
"Thank, Aizawa Sensei." I said knowing my calling him that pissed him off.
"Let's just never speak of this situation again OK," I said. Getting up from my seat and grabbing my backpack.

Stuck To Me || Aizawa Shouta x Student Reader
Roman d'amourAizawa Shouta has never owned a cat, even though his heart craves one. For him not caring is always the safest option. But what happens when he is forced to take care of a human girl? The bratty teen taking up every aspect of his isolated little wor...