Jabberwock Island

624 11 35

Raku stood in the front gates of Hope's Peak Academy, acceptance letter in hand. However, just as he took the first step within Hope's Peak, he felt a sudden dizziness.

The next thing he knew, he was opening a door. The door led to a classroom with 16 other people. They all stared at him as if they were awaiting his arrival.

"He is the seventeenth, meaning all of us freshmans have gathered." The large blonde guy wearing a white suit announced.

Raku looked around the room.

4...8...12...16.... including myself, there's 17 students in total.... and seventeen desks.

Raku turned his gaze to the blonde who spoke earlier. Sharp eyes, blonde hair, glasses and a royal attitude.

He had confirmed that the blonde was indeed Byakuya Togami, the heir to the Togami name. However... there was never any news about his physique having changed drastically.

Byakuya brought up the dizziness he felt when he entered Hope's Peak and one by one, the others also shared having the same experience.

They all turn their heads to Raku with curious gazes.

"Yeah. I felt it too." He said as he sat down on one of the chairs.

The others began to speculate about their strange situation. They argued and theorized while Raku watched.

Though it was a concerning topic, there was something more concerning. The fact that they were trapped in the classroom.

The well built large guy in the black blazer, and a chain hanging around his neck explained that even with all his might it was impossible.

It was obvious that he was the most physically able among them so it wasn't an issue the door being heavy or stuck.

Even so the short chubby boy in a chef's outfit tried to open the door but it only proved the well built guy's testimony.

"Perhaps..." the boy with white hair suddenly spoke up. "This is some sort of entrance exam?"

"But, according to Hope's Peak Academy, no such entrance exam exists," the European-looking blonde girl said.

There was no mistake, Raku recognized the girl as Sonia Nevermind, the princess and queen-to-be of the Novoselic Kingdom.

"They may say that publicly, but it's possible that this is actually a special entrance exam." The white haired boy replied.

He had a point but he was quickly contradicted by a cutesy voice. A voice they haven't heard of before. They questioned who the voice belonged to.

"It's me..."

Suddenly a pink stuffed rabbit plush wearing... a skirt, a bib, a golden necklace, wings and it was holding what seemed to be a magical girl's staff?

Whatever the thing was, it appeared from behind the teacher's desk.

She introduced herself as Usami. She is apparently the teacher of the school trip that they were on.

"... School trip?" They asked simultaneously.

As they wondered about the school trip, the walls of the classroom fell outwards revealing that they were on a tropical island.

Usami explained that the only way for them to leave is to collect all the Hope Fragments. They can obtain the Fragments by becoming friends with each other and getting along.

The others were visibly confused but they remained calm in their own ways except for the brown haired boy with the ahoge wearing a white buttoned shirt.

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