My Name is Raku

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Raku, Hajime and Nagito arrived at the airport and walked into the waiting area, they spotted two of their fellow students and from the window, airplanes parked in the docking area.

"...Airplanes?" Hajime exclaimed, a smile quickly forming on his face. "We could use those to escape the island."

"Nah, it's impossible." A pink-haired guy wearing a yellow beanie and jumpsuit denied Hajime's plans.

The guy had pink hair and eyes and pointy teeth much like a shark's.

"If they were damaged, I could fix 'em but it looks like these planes are just for show. They don't have engines. Nothing I can do about that. "

"Whoever orchestrated this, really wants us to stay on this island..." Raku muttered, his hand on his chin.

"Oh yeah! I haven't introduced myself to you guys yet, right?" The pink haired guy points his thumb to himself. "Name's Kazuichi Soda. I'm The Ultimate Mechanic. Nice to meet ya."

"I'm Hajime Hinata. I'm sorry but I can't remember my talent at the moment." Hajime said, letting out a nervous laugh.

"The shock took a toll on him, it seems." Nagito added.

"No worries. You passed out pretty hard earlier so I get it." Kazuichi assured, giving Hajime a thumbs up.

"I'm Raku Nanashi, from the Reserve Course." Raku extended out his hand to Kazuichi.

"Reserve Course?" Kazuichi shook Raku's hand. "Never heard of that... "

Beep! Beep! Beep!

"Long story, short. I don't have a talent, I just paid to get into Hope's Peak." Raku awkwardly laughed as he rubbed the back of his neck. "Anyways, you don't seem too worried about our situation, why is that?"

"I mean, why should I be? We're on a tropical island with cute girls and all we have to do is get along." He places his hands on the back of his head. "I don't know about you but I couldn't be happier."

He's rather laid back isn't he?

"Spend these days nourishing hope... Just as Usami said earlier." Nagito muttered.

"And you're believing that thing? She forced us to come here, you know?!" Hajime yelled, frustration in his voice.

"You should look at our situation with a little more hope. Optimism is essential for people to live satisfied lives." Nagito replies.

"Komaeda's got a point. It wouldn't hurt to enjoy our situation and see how this whole thing plays out, right?" Kazuichi said in a laid back tone.

Despite hearing what Kazuichi and Nagito had to say, Hajime's distress still lingered.

"Being realistic isn't a bad thing." Raku suddenly said. "But instead of worrying ourselves to death, it'd be better to make the best of our current situation, wouldn't you say?"

"I guess." Hajime mutters, avoiding his fellow student's gaze. Raku sighed, he pulled out his e-Handbook from his pocket and swiped it to the rules section.

He steps closer to Hajime and hands him the e-Handbook. Hajime took it and read the rules and he seemed to calm down a little after he did.

"Just because there are rules doesn't mean it's gonna be followed." Hajime said, returning the e-Handbook.

"We CAN hope can't we?"

Hajime sighs defeatedly. "Alright... "

"There we go!" Raku happily exclaims. "Now, how about we meet the other guy? See ya later, Soda." Raku smiles at Soda as they leave.

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