the bonfire

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y/ns pov

As night falls all the boys start a huge bonfire
everyone is cheering having a good time im sitting on a log alone until newt comes up to me.

"How's your first day greenie." he asks.

"its not so bad just really hot" i say looking at the maze.

newt hands me jar of unknown yellow like liquid.

"Here try this out"

i look at him unsurely before taking a sip.

i make a disgusted face but swallow it not trying to be rude.

"Dude no offence but this actually disgusting. "I say kind of chuckling. 

"Yea its gally's recipe" he says looking back  by the bonfire as there is a circle surrounded boys.

In the middle is gally fighting another boy. I never really got a good look at him..

he was a tall and skinny teenage boy with very short dark hair and green eyes.

"what's going on over there?"

"Oh, yea since you're the new greenie you're the guest of honor! 'he says standing up and me doing the same.

"come on let me show you around.''

we start walking around. I stay close to his side with him being one person I trust.

"over there we got the builders, they're good with they're hands but not good upstairs'' he says pointing to a group of boys 

''And then got Winston he's the keeper of the slicers'' he says pointing to one boy standing up talking to other boys.

two boys walk towards us.
"this is cliff and jeff our medjacks they spend most of their days bandaging up the slicers" newt says
"hi nice to meet yo-"
before i can finish my greeting a boy gets tossed over at us
            ᴺᵒʷ ᵖˡᵃʸᶦⁿᵍ; [ New magic wand - Tyler the creator ]

           1:07 ——◦———— -4:05
"Hey can you be fucking careful"i say turning my head towards gally

he whips his neck towards me

"what if im not?"he says

"then ill kick your ass,so watch it"i say giving him major attitude

"you?..kick my ass?"he laughs

"whats funny?"i turn my head a bit

"oh nothing just you thinking u can beat my ass"he replies

he crosses his arms and takes a few steps back

"well the come on"he says "show us what u got"

i look at newt then back at gally before i start walking towards him tying my hair up  i can hear whistles and cheers all around me

go easy on her gally!

go greenie!

Easy out!

"rules are simple i try to push you out the circle and you..well.. try to last more then five seconds"he explains to me


"just cause im a girl doesn't mean i cant kick your ass.Remember earlier " i say preparing myself for what ever is about to happen

"yea well that was earlier this is now greenbean"he says cracking his knuckles

"don't call me that"i say sternly

"then what should i call you"he raises his eyebrow

"what about shank"he says

laughter from the boys are heard all around

"doesnt she look like a shank boys"he smiles cocking his head to the side

"okay now you're really pissing me off"i say cracking my knuckles

" well then come on tough guy show me what you're made of"i say taunting him

his smile drops

gally charges towards me at the last minute i  quickly move to the side causing him stumble and almost falling .the sound of laughter and cheering gets louder.He stands up furious grabbing my arms and pushing me back.Him being taller and stronger then me succeeds.As im being pushed through the dirt i kick my leg swiping him off his feet.He falls face first.

"dang gally got dropped by a girl!"

"that's embarrassing"

all the taunting made gally lose his temper

Gally pulls the same move i did causing  me to fall to my side and hitting my head on something hard. i groan and touch my head where it ears rang and my vision was fuzzy. i look at my hand and see...blood.

"how about that huh greenie!"he says obviously angry

there's a quick silence

" made me bleed!"i said exclaimed said standing up

"not so tough after all hm"he says dusting himself off


As blood runs down my face i start walking towards gally and he backs up

"you thought you could beat me huh" he says with a smirk

"yea i did really think i could beat sorry"i say disappointed and looking down

i stop walking as he stops backing up

"sorry for what?"he says raising his eyebrow

i look up at him

"For beating you"

he looks down confused he's stepping outside the line as he realizes cheering and clapping

his once snarking face turns into anger and he storms off while the rest of the boys are cheering.Just as i take a step i lose vision and pass out.

narrtors pov
just as the teenage girl collapse the medjacks
run forward and lift the girl by her legs and arms "alright clear a path!"the medjacks yell!

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