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Gally's pov

She was so perfect at any time at anyday,i couldnt take my eyes off her.

i shower her in kisses so she can get up

y/n pov

i can feel something touching my face.I open my eyes and see him towering over me kissing my face.Seeing him actually made me wanna get up.

"Morning gorgeous "he says smiling

"Morning handsome"i say as i rub my eyes

"How are you ready already"i say lightly pushing him off of me and getting up to stretch.

"Im just used to getting up early"he says sitting next to me on my bed

-"oh yea bit of a recap my hut was done i just didn't know because i was being a bitch"-

"yea that's something ill never get used to"i say picking up my shirt to change.I look over at gally staring at me.i throw my shirt at him and put another shirt on.

After i finish getting ready we head out to go work.

"Alright well ill see you later babe"i say before  kissing him on the lips and walking off to the medjack tent

"out of all the guys you chose gally?"newt ask as he comes up to me

"yea and what about it"i say tying my hair up

"Nothing just,never thought it would be him"newt says shrugging

"you jealous?" i say looking over to him

"you wish!"he says as i finally arrive to the tent

"as if!"i say before giving him a slight slap on the cheek and walking into the tent

"hey guys!"i say to jeff and cliff

i would tell them everything and they would listen they would give me advice,they were the closest things to having girl friends.

"Hey y/n,where did you disappear off to yesterday night"cliff says turning his chair around.

"well..WE KISSED!"i squeal.

"No way!you kissed gally!"jeff says a bit too loud

jeff says just as winston comes in.

i get up and walk over to winston.As i walk by jeff i whack him on the back of his head

"nobody did,now what did you need"i say just wanting him to leave

"uhh i need a band aid"he says showing me his finger showing me a small cut.

He always did this everyday since i started medjacks always trying to find a way to talk to me,i was over it.

"No you don't,come back if you're dying or dying bye!" i shove him out.

"y/n wait!"he says trying to talk to me

"go.away."i give him a little push before heading back in the tent.

"he doesn't give you a break huh."cliff said

"no he doesn't and because of this big mouth everyone is gonna talk about us dating"i say pointing at jeff before sitting back down.

"Whats so bad about it,dont you guys like lovvvvve each otherrr"he says taunting me

"slim it"i say before leaning back in my chair

in the distance we hear a cry for help.We run out to whats happening.when we got to the scene we say gally and newt holding ben down he was pale and you could see his blue veins popping out,he was bleeding from his head.As we all watch in concern alby walks over.

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