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Autumn lazily laid across the couch, his head turned to look at the TV. He was watching Frankenstein.

He wore black sweatpants with a white shirt underneath his grey hoodie, with black ankle socks.

A small black kitten laying on his chest, sleeping. He got the kitten a few weeks ago. It was a stray cat, and Autumn decided to keep it.

The phone suddenly rang, and Autumn glanced at it before reaching his hand out, grabbing the phone and answering it.


"Autumn, it's Tatum. I'm just calling to say that I'm going to stay over at Sids tonight, so can you tell dewey when he gets home?"


"Uh-huh? Is that all you have to say?"

"Yep, need anything else?"

"No. Bye!"


Tatum hung up, and Autumn put the phone down, turning his head to watch the movie.

A second later, the phone rang again, and Autumn sighed before picking up the phone and answering it

"I thought you said you didn't need anything else, tatum?"

"Hello? Who is this?" A voice that definitely wasn't Tatum asked

"Oh, sorry, man. I thought you were my sister. Who's this?"

"I don't know."

Autumn chuckled ,"You don't know? Who are you looking for?"

"I must've dialed the wrong number."

"Don't worry about it. It happens sometimes. Good luck," Autumn said before hanging up the phone

Autumn groans as the phone rings again. The kitten is startled, "Sorry," he mumbled, gently petting the kitten before picking up the phone once more



"Oh, it's you, again. Dialed the wrong number again?"

"Something like that. Seems like I can't get it right."

"Who are you looking for? Maybe I know them and I can give you the right number."

"I'm looking for Maureen presccot. You know her?"

Autumn chuckled, "Yeah, dude, but she's dead, so you're like a year too late,"

"I know. I killed her," Autumn rolled his eyes. He grabbed the kitten and placed her on the floor before he sat up

"Good for you, listen, do you need something? I really want to get back to the movie I'm watching."

"Frankenstein. Nice choice of movie,"

Autumn sat up straighter, on guard. "How did you know that?"

"Because I'm looking at you right now.  I must say, it's quite a sight,"

"Okay, whatever, alright? I suggest you stop bothering me, okay? Bye!" Autumn hung up and threw the phone to the side of the couch.

Feeling as something was a little off, he titled his head back a bit before his eye's widen ,"shit!"

Autumn managed to dogde the knife that was almost impaled into his eye socket but instead was impaled into the couch , and Autumn fell back into the floor

"Aw! Come on, man! That's my mom's favorite couch! Not cool!" Autumn said before he quickly stood up as the mask figure started to chase him
The sound of shattering and crashing came from the rileys house as dewey walked up the porch, tired from work, but he was instantly on alert, rushing inside the house

"Tatum! Autumn!?" He called out, taking his gun out,

He walked further into the house, and he was startled by something rubbing against his leg, "Jesus! Shadow," he mumbled , watching as the kitten rushed off


"Dewey!? You scared me!" Autumn said, coming out of the living room slightly panting

"Me? You scared me! What the hell happened? And is that blood!? Are you bleeding!?" Dewey asked, panicking

"I was just attacked by someone in a costume. It's just a small scratch," Autumn replied,

"Small? Your arm is covered in blood," dewey said, "stay here while I clear the house," he added, and Autumn nodded

The house was empty, nobody but Autumn and dewey were in the house. Whoever attacked Autumn was long gone.

Dewey had called for an ambulance, and Autumn was currently getting his arm bandage up.

"Autumn!" Tatum rushed into the house a couple of minutes later, with Sidney following closely behind her

"Hey, tat!" Autumn smiled, waving at her with his good arm , relief passed through Tatum

"Oh, thank God. You are okay! " Tatum said, hugging Autumn, who hugged her back

"I'm fine, Tat," Autumn mumbled, "I'm glad," she told him before pulling back and glaring at dewey

"What the hell! You called, and all you said was that Autumn was attacked! You could've told me he was fine! I almost had a heart attack!" She huffed, crossing her arms

"Sorry, Autumn is fine," dewey said, and Tatum rolled her eyes. "Excuse me! Can you tell me what happened!?" Gale weather's asked, as she was being held back by the police

"No! He would not tell you what happened! Jesus, my brother has been through enough tonight! Leave him alone!" Tatum snapped

"Tat, calm down, I'm okay," Autumn said, and Tatum huffed before she hugged her brother again

"Are you okay?" Sidney asked, and Autumn nodded ,"Yeah,"

"You can stay at my house tonight," she told him ,"yeah, that's a good idea. Why don't you guys head to Sidney's house? I'll join you guys in a couple of minutes," dewey said


Soon enough, Sidney, tatum, and Autumn were piled in tatums car. As Tatum drove, she reached out and interlocked her hand with Autumn.

Autumn glanced at her, but he squeezed her hand back. A silent promise going through their minds.

Whoever attacked Autumn wasn't going to get away because they didn't know who they messed with.
913 words

First chapter!
Hope you enjoy!

More chapters are coming soon!

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