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Autumn spotted Silas loomis and Randy meeks by their lockers, and they looked to be in a heated argument. "Trouble in paradise?" He asked, pushing himself in between them to get to his locker.

"Tum, who do you think wins in a fight. Michael myers or Jason Voorhees?" Randy asked ,"Silas voted Jason, and I said Michael," he added

"It's an impossible fight to win," Autumn told them, throwing his stuff into his locker

"I mean, think about it. Both Michael and Jason don't seem to die. They're both pretty badass, and they're both awesome, I say neither wins and neither loses," Autumn told them before shutting his locker.

"Also, can you guys just imagine Billy as a chihuahua? I mean a tiny little barking angry dog? I can't get it out of my head," Autumn added

"Also speaking of chihuahuas," Autumn started but was interrupted by Silas," nobody was talking about chihuahuas," but Autumn ignored him ,"I want a chihuahua now, do you think my mom would let me have one?" He finished, glancing between Randy and Silas

"You have officially turned insane. What it because you were attacked last night?" Randy questioned

"How are you, by the way? What's it like being stabbed?" Silas asked

"Not fun, but I really want a chihuahua,and I think I'm going to name it -"

"You say my name, and I'm going to kill you for real this time," Billy threatened as he came up to them

Autumn chuckled, "If you try to kill me, then Tatums is going to kill you,"

"You know, I could kinda see Billy as a chihuahua," Silas said, with a small laugh as Billy turned to glare at him

"Alright, enough teasing billy," Sidney told them with an amused smile on her face

"Sorry, Billy, but in all seriousness, I really want a chihuahua, now," Autumn said, leaning his back against his locker

"And I'm going to name it cheeseburger," Autumn proudly announced, "you are not naming a dog cheeseburger, and you are not going to get a chihuahua." Tatum told him and Autumn pouted ,"then why did you say the word chihuahua? It's making me want one,"

"Today is going to be a chihuahua, and tomorrow it's going to be a turtle. You are going to keep changing your mind about the animals you want as pets, and who's going to end up taking care of them? Me, that's who, so no more pets," Tatum told him

"I never thought about having a turtle," Autumn said, "Tum! Do you wanna hang out tonight? Over at my house? You are totally going to be safe from that psycho that tried to kill you last night," Randy said,

"I have to tell dewey, but sure!" Autumn told him, with a nod ,"cool, you can help me beat Silas in dungeons and Dragon's," Randy said

"As if you can ever beat me. I am the king of dungeons and Dragon's, I am the undefeated," Silas told them,
"How is this possible!?" Silas yelled, completely in disbelief. It was hours later that Silas, Randy, and Autumn found themselves in Randy's room, playing dungeons and Dragon's

Autumn had somehow defeated Silas, "I'm sorry?" Autumn said, and Silas took a deep breath ,"No. This can not be happening. I couldn't have been defeated by a baby!"

"I'm not a baby," Autumn said, "Shh! Your father is talking," Silas said, "but I don't have a dad," Autumn said

"Stop being weird, Silas. You're freaking out the child," Randy said, covering autumn ears

"Why don't we just pretend I never defeated you?" Autumn suggested, "I wish, but no, we can't. We just have to accept the fact that our child defeated me. I must accept this defeat," Silas said, dropping himself on Randy's bed

"Pops, I think dad is dead," Autumn said, and Randy rolled his eyes, grabbing a pillow from the ground and threw it at Silas

"You guys are so weird," all three of them turn to Martha, who stood by the door with her arms crossed

"Says the one dressed as a pirate princess," Randy retorted, "what do you want?" He asked

"Pizza's here," Martha told them, "Get my nephew some food," she added before she turned around and walked away

"I love it when we pretend that you're my parents. It's nice having two dads. It's also nice to pretend that one of them isn't dead," Autumn said as he stood up , almost tripping, but he managed to catch himself

"Seeya downstairs," he said before rushing out of the room

"We should adopt him," Silas said, and Randy sighed, "Yeah, we should, come on,"
Word count - 778

Hope you enjoy!

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