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"-and then billy was like bam! And Jordan went down," Autumn said, giggling as he bit into another cookie.

"Really? I bet Jordan was really pissed about that," Bruce said, and Autumn nodded, "yeah. I think so,"

"Well. I know for a fact that Jordan was pissed about getting beat up by billy loomis." Bruce said, with a small chuckle

"He told me himself," he added and Autumn looked surprised, "he did?"

"Yeah, he was going on and on about grabbing a few friends and ganging up on billy beating him up or something like that," Bruce said, with a small shrug

"What? Jesus bruce. Why didn't you say that before?" Autumn said, standing up from the couch

"It's not like you can stop it,"Bruce said, following Autumn

"I can try!" Autumn told him, opening the front door only to be pushed back by the one person he seriously didn't want to see.

Jordan pushed himself inside, and a few of friends walked in behind him. "Bruce, what's going on?" Autumn asked

"Sorry, Autumn. It was either me or you," Bruce told him,

"You see I'm pretty pissed about billy beating up. I was thinking of beating billy up but then I thought, they only reason billy beat me up was because of you and that dumb bitch," Jordan said , taking a step towards Autumn

"I thought about going after your sister but what good would that do to billy? I mean she's not the one he's in love with. So, I told Bruce here-" Jordan patted Bruce shoulder

"To bring you here, so we can have some fun," Jordan finished smirking at Autumn.

"And your definition of fun is beating me up right?" Autumn scoffed , "well, yeah but I have other plans for you,"Jordan told him

"Since Steve isn't here to fuck you like the bitch you are, well, we're gonna do it for him," Jordan added, and Autumn glared at them

"Seriously, we had sex one time! Get over it!" Autumn said, backing up ,"steve told me all about it. He told me how you would moan, how you would easily open your legs for him, how you arch your back, how you would scream his name ,"Jordan was walking closer to Autumn

Autumn's back hit a wall and Jordan stood in front of him , leaning close, "I was always jealous of him. He got to have you the way I've always wanted, and now, he's gone and I'm going to have you screaming my name, arching your back for me," Jordan whispered

"In your dreams asshole," Autumn spat out , "well, I have been dreaming about it," Jordan told him before he placed his lips on top of Autumn's and Autumn pushed him back

The phone suddenly rang and Bruce picked it up before he looked at Jordan, "it's for you,"

"Take a message," Jordan said, "he wants you to answer the phone, right now ." Jordan rolls his eyes before grabbing the phone from Bruce


"You shouldn't have touch him. He's not yours to touch."

"Who the fuck is this?"

"Your worst nightmare." Jordan heard the dial tone before the lights went off

Autumn quickly rushed off but he bumped into someone and it was Bruce, "Listen, I'm sorry Autumn," Bruce started

"You were my friend bruce," Autumn said, in a hurt tone , "I'm sorry but Jordan was going to kill me," Bruce told him

"Yeah, well he wasn't the one you should be worried about killing you," Autumn said, his hand reaching for the knife that was on the counter

They were in the kitchen, "friends don't sell each other out," Autumn gripped the knife tight before stabbing Bruce,

"But I guess we weren't friends after all," he whispered as he watched Bruce fall to the floor, and Autumn dropped the knife.

He heard crashing noises from the living room, but he ignored it and sat down next to Bruce, hugging his knees to his chest.

It was long before he heard footsteps, he saw a pair of boots and he looked up seeing a white mask ,

They knelt down in front of him, reaching their hand out, and caressing the side of his face leaving a smear of blood behind.

The flashing lights of the police lit up the dark room and Autumn could see the blood smeared across the mask.

The person stood up before rushing away leaving Autumn behind to deal with the mess.
Word count - 746

Hope you enjoy!

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