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"..why is she so loud!?" Randy questioned, looking over at Billy, who was holding his seven month old baby, Samantha, or Sam for short.

Sam was crying, her face red, tears streamed down her face, yet Billy rolled his eyes at Randy.

"She's crying cause she saw your ugly mug." Billy replied, slightly rocking Sam quietly shushing her.

"Wow, that's real original." Randy replied, rolling his eyes.

"Why are you even in my house?" Billy questioned, narrowing his eyes at Randy, who was sitting on the couch, with a TV remote in hand.

"Well, I was invited for Christmas, so get used to me being around." Randy said, throwing a smirk at him.

"Hey, what's up with Sammy?" Autumn questioned, walking in carrying his seven month old baby, Salem.

Sam calmed down, the second she saw Salem. "Guess she just missed her brother." Billy said

"Sorry, Sammy, Salem just needed a bath, got himself all dirty." Autumn said, placing Salem down in the playmat and Billy put Sam down.

The twins started crawling around, and Billy looked at Autumn. "Where's Stu?"

"Kitchen with tatum and Sidney. They're making their delicious food. It's smells so good, I'm starving." Autumn replied, and Billy chuckled.

"I'll go see if it's almost done." Billy slapped Randy in the back of the head as he walked past him.

"Jackass." Randy mumbled, and Autumn gasped ,"Dude! Babies present! Watch your fucking language."

"You just cursed!" Randy defended himself, and Autumn shook his head.

"No, I didn't."

"Yes, you did."

"No, I didn't."


"Yes, you did!"

"No, I didn't!"


"Wait, who said that?" Randy questioned, and both Autumn and Randy turned to the twins.

Salem had a huge smile on his face, "F..fuck!" He let out an adorable laugh.

Autumn and Randy shared a look, both turning pale.

Both scrambled to over to Salem, "Sweetheart, we don't say that, okay? That's a bad word," Autumn said

"But on the bright side, baby, that was your first word, Stu's so gonna kill me, but awe!" Autumn said, and Salem let out a small giggle.

"F..fuck!" Sam laughed, and Autumn gasped, "babies first words."

"We are so freaking dead." Randy whispered to himself.


Billy walked into the kitchen and saw Stu, and he walked over to him, wrapping his arms around him and resting his head on his shoulder.

Ever since what happened, Billy had apologized over and over again to Stu but had forgiven him already, yet Billy couldn't help but feel guilty.

"I love you." Billy whispered, and stu smiled, "Love you, too. Where's Autumn?"

"In the living room.." Billy was cut off as they heard someone shout. Stu and Billy shared a look before leaving the kitchen, followed by Sidney and Tatum.

"F..fuck!" The curse word was followed by adorable laughter of the twins.

"No, no, you can't say that. Try saying, dada." Autumn said, and Salem stared right at him.


Stu couldn't help the laugh that escaped him and Autumn turned to look at him, standing up.

"It was Randy's fault!" He said, and Randy gasped, "nuh-uh! He's the one that cursed!"

Stu just laughed while Billy chuckled, shaking his amused.

"What did we say about cursing in front of babies?" Tatum questioned, looking at her twin, who sheepishly looked away.

"Look on the bright side. It's Sam's and Salem's first words." Sidney spoke up with a smile.

"Wait, why aren't you mad that your kids' first words are cursed words?" Randy questioned, looking over at Stu.

"Rands, I find babies cursing funny, plus, I always knew they were bound to curse one day, look at their fathers." Stu replied, gesturing to Billy and Autumn.

"Oh, so I booked that ticket to Nebraska for nothing?"

The small found family laughed, if only things would stay this perfect, this happy but nothing good ever stays good.

Nothing happy ever stays happy.


Word count - 657

Final chapter !

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