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Autumn wasn't sure how he ended up in this position with Billy. He was just minding his own business during gym class, doing stretches with Tatum.

Then he briefly remembers turning around as Randy called his name, and then he felt himself getting pushed, and he somehow ended up on Billy's lap, their faces inches away from each other.

Both of their eyes widen in surprise and shock, ,"wow, autumn, I didn't think you were so attracted to William."

"What the fuck, Jordan!" Tatum yelled, Jordan was one of Steve's friends, a total asshole especially to Autumn when he came out.

"I think it's a little inappropriate for you to be riding your little boyfriend in class," Jordan said, and Billy clenched his fist in anger, glaring at Jordan and Autumn stood up,

"Yeah? Well, I think it was inappropriate of you to be born!" Autumn said before blinking ,"Sorry, that was horrible," he mumbled

"No, that was good because asshole like Jordan shouldn't be born in the first place," Tatum said, taking a step forward towards Jordan glaring up at him

"Whatever, bitch," Jordan scoffed, "Hey, Don't call my sister a bitch," Autumn quickly said,

"Aw, look at that, the lesbain and the fag are defend-" Jordan was cut off by Billy punching him, and he didn't stop.

Jordan fell to the gym floor, and Billy got in top of him, punching him. All Billy could see was red. All he wanted to do was kill Jordan.

How dare he speak like that Autumn and Tatum.  How dare he push Autumn. He shouldn't have laid his hands on autumn.

"Loomis! Get off him!" The gym teacher shouted, rushing over


"Billy, come on, man," stu pulled Billy off Jordan, Billy panted, running a hand through his hair to fix it.

"We'll deal with him later. Calm down," stu whispered, and Billy smirked, "Yeah. You're right," stu chuckled, "aren't I always?"

"Loomis! Principle office! Rileys, you too!" The gym yelled at them ,"they didn't do anything," Randy said

"Meeks, Principle office as well,"

"What? So, you're just going to send everyone who talks to the Princple office? That's not fair,"

"The other Loomis! Principle office!"

"Aw, fuck you man,"

"We're going," Autumn said, grabbing Billy's wrist before dragging him off, with the others following

Tatum nudged Autumn after they exited the gym, and she gestured to his hand that was still around Billy's wrist, "Oh, Sorry, " he let go of Billy's wrist

"Tum tum, how long has Jordan been an asshole to you?" Stu questioned, "Ugh, that bastard has been an asshole to Autumn since freshman year. All because he came out," Tatum told them with an eye roll.

"That long? And we're almost graduating, why didn't you say anything?" Sidney questioned, and Autumn shrugged ,"I have it handled. Seriously, Jordan's mostly all bark and no bite,"

"Expect for that one time that Jordan beat you up at the carnival," Tatum said, "he what?" Billy questioned with anger in his voice

"It's not a big deal." Autumn waved them off ,"he broke your leg," Tatum said,

"That was him?" Stu asked, "I thought you broke your leg while skating?" Silas spoke up

"Actually yes and no. Jordan just slightly bruised my leg okay? And I did break my leg while skating, " Autumn told them

"I should've let Billy beat him up longer," stu said, "Guys, seriously, it's fine. Don't worry about him," Autumn told them

Billy and stu shared a look, and Tatum hooked her arm with Autumns ,both of them sharing a look.

Jordan was going to die tonight, either by the twins or Billy and stu. Either way, he was going to die.
Word count - 618

Hope you enjoy!

I have a question! Should the twins have a slasher name?

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