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It was the next day, and Autumn was walking next to tatum before he literally tripped over nothing, but someone caught him before he could hit the ground.

"You alright?" It was billy loomis, Sidney's boyfriend. He held autumn in his arms, and Autumn nodded, "y-yeah,thanks, man." Autumn took a step back from Billy as Billy just watched him

"I heard what happened last night. Did you get hurt? How are you feeling?" Billy questioned, "Okay, billy boy, you have a girlfriend, back off," Tatum said, and Billy glared at her. Tatum smirked at him, crossing her arms

"Tatum. He's just concerned, I'm fine, Billy. " Autumn replied, and Billy nodded, "That's good to hear,"

"Tum tum! I heard what happened! Are you okay? I'm so sorry!" Stu macher, Tatums boyfriend, said, rushing over and examining Autumn for any visible injuries

"Why are you sorry? You weren't the one that attacked him," Tatum told him, noticing the way stu tensed before he let out a small laugh

"Yeah, but I'm sorry for him that he got attacked." He said, sharing a look with Billy and Tatum glanced between them, her eyes narrowing

"Uh-huh." Tatum scoffed, and Billy sent stu a glare, "Oh my god," Tatum mumbled, "what?" Autumn asked

"Gale weather's is here," she replied, and Autumn turned to look at Gale. "Why is she here?" Stu asked

"Because she wants to interview Autumn about last night," Tatum replied with an eye roll

"I hope dewey catches whoever it was," Sidney said, coming up to them, and Autumn chuckled, "Let's just hope my mom doesn't cause she's really pissed about her couch,"

Billy and stu tensed, and Tatum rolls her eyes. Couldn't they be more obvious?

Autumn scratched his arm, but his hand was slapped away ,"Don't scratch! You're gonna open up your stitches!" Tatum told him

"But it's ichy," Autumn said, "and I don't care. It's going to get infected, so stop touching it," Tatum told him ,"fine," he mumbled

"I thought it was just a scratch? Did the knife cut you that deep?" Stu asked, frowning

Tatum narrowed her eyes at him. Autumn nor her told him if Autumn injury was a scratch, nor did they say it was a knife that Autumn was attacked with.

Stu just gave himself away. Tatum seriously thought he was a dumbass for doing so, but she could tell he was worried about Autumn.

Stu was definitely the one that attacked Autumn last night, and Tatum knows that.

She glanced at Billy, and Billy definitely has something to do with it.

"-riley! Can I please have a word with you?" Gale weather's asked, coming up the group

"Sorry, I have to head to class," Autumn told her, "Just a quick interview." Gale told him , "Listen, lady. He doesn't want an interview," stu said, standing in front of Autumn

"Leave him alone," Billy told her, glaring at her, and Tatum definitely knows that Billy definitely had something to do with what happened last night.

"Okay, pups stand down," Tatum rolled her eyes, "pups? We're not pups. We're like pitbulls," stu told her

"Pitbills? Billy's like a little chihuahua, and you're a golden retriever," Tatum said, with a slight scoff

Autumn let out a laugh, "I can just imagine Billy as a chihuahua!" He laughed as he started to walk away ,"I'm leaving before someone decides to bride me into an interview," Autumn disappeared into the mass of students heading inside the school

"I'm not a fucking chihuahua," Billy snapped before he walked away, "Billy, she didn't mean it like that," Sidney rushed away to catch up with Billy

Tatum glared at Gale before grabbing stu's arm and dragging him away.

Gale tsk ,"I am getting that interview."
Word count - 632

Hope you enjoy!

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