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"..this is all my fault." Billy said as he waited in the waiting room with the twins, Sidney and Randy.

"Probably." Randy commented, and Sidney slapped him in the back of his head.

"This isn't your fault, Billy." Sidney told him, and Billy scoffed, standing up and started to pace around.

Stu was taken away from him the second they were in the hospital. That was an hour ago, and there was no news about Stu.

"This isn't your fault. Things like this happen all the time, half the time everything turns out fine.." Tatum trailed off

"And half the time, both baby and mother die." Randy finished for Tatum only to get smacked in the back of the head again by Autumn this time.

"Dude, shut up,"Autumn told him, throwing him a glare.

"Stu's gonna be fine, and so is the baby." Autumn told Billy and himself. He was worried about the baby and Stu.. more about Stu than the baby.

Autumn felt guilty about that. This was their kid, and yet Autumn was more worried about Stu than their kid.

He knew Stu would be devastated if anything happened to the baby. He might've been scared about being a parent from a young age, but Stu loved that kid already.

He feared that they were gonna lose Stu either way.

"I should've just listened to him instead of arguing with him on everything. We agrued throughout the whole pregnancy and god.." Billy let out a deep sighed.

"I said I wished he wasn't pregnant and now look what happened." Billy shook his head, running a hand through his hair for the billion time.

Tatum stood up and stopped Billy from pacing .She gave him a glare, "Shut up. Yes,I don't agree how you and Autumn handled things with Stu during the pregnancy, but this isn't your fault,"

"This was gonna happen either way, William." Billy slightly internally winced at his real name.

"Ooh, the government name." Randy chuckled, and Sidney rolled her eyes at him. "Shut it, Randy."

"Let me ask you something. Do you really wish Stu wasn't pregnant?" Tatum genuinely questioned

Billy shook his head, "No...i..fuck..I love the kid," tears welled up in his eyes, and it slightly surprised Tatum, and she thought she broke him.

Billy wasn't really one to cry in public or cry at all. The man was a stone cold asshole, well, at least Tatum thought so.

She never really saw what Autumn and Stu saw in Billy.

"I'm just scared..scared that I'm gonna turn out like my dad, which by the way, I am, look at me, I kept fucking yelling at Stu whenever he did anything besides sitting or laying." Billy said, shaking his head

Tatum did something that she wouldn't usually do for Billy, and that was pulling him into a much needed hug that Billy needed.

Billy, though, was confused as to why Tatum was hugging him, but it felt slightly nice.

Nothing compared to Stu's or Autumn's hugs, but it was nice nonetheless.

"Wrap your arms around me, idiot." Tatum mumbled, and Billy did so.

Autumn stood up and joined the hug, as did Sidney. Randy awkwardly sat in his chair,

"I'll just..sit here.."

"Come here, you idiot." Sidney said, and Randy stood up and joined the hug.

"They're gonna be okay." Tatum whispered, and Billy hoped that she was right.


Autumn didn't know how long it passed since they got any news about stu, but he couldn't stay still anymore. The worry was skyrocketing every second that passed.

He stood up, slightly startling his friends, and Billy lifted his head, looking at Autumn.

"That's it. I can't handle it anymore." Autumn said before he rushed out of the waiting room.

"Autumn, wait." The others were quick to follow, and Autumn went over to the front desk, slamming his hands down, startling the nurse behind the desk.

"Sorry," he apologized, "Look, we've been here almost two hours, okay? And we haven't gotten an update on Stu Macher and our kid. What can you tell us?"

The nurse raised an eyebrow at him, glancing between the group,

"We're not the parents, I'm the uncle. Those two are the aunts, and those are the other fathers." Randy told her, gesturing to each of his friends.

Everyone sent him a look, and he slightly chuckled ,"Just saying."

The nurse looked at Billy and Autumn and noticed how worried they looked, and she sighed.

"I'll see what I can find out, but in the meantime, head back to the waiting room."

The group did just that. They returned to the waiting room, and Autumn grabbed Billy's hand in his, both needing the comfort.

The nurse came over to them after a couple of minutes.

"Well, the babies are just fine, healthy, but Stu still in surgery, a doctor will come and speak to all of you in a couple of minutes once the surgery is done, there is nothing to worry about." The nurse told them.

"Wait, surgery? What surgery?" Tatum questioned,

"An emergency C-section." The nurse replied

Autumn and Billy felt a bit relieved, but they needed to see Stu feel like they could breathe again.

" I the only one who heard the word, Babies? As extra?" Randy questioned, eyes darting between his friends.

"Babies? You said babies?" Autumn asked, his eyes slowly widening in shock, and he shared a look with Billy.

The nurse smiled, nodding her head. "Yes, twins. Fraternal twins, a girl and a boy. The girl looks like you.." She looked at Billy before she looked at Autumn, "the boy, he's all you."

"Thank you." Tatum told the nurse who just nodded,

"Congratulations." With that, she walked away.

Tatum turned and let out a small squeal, "twins, see, I told you that everything was gonna turn out just fine."

Billy let out a small chuckle, a smile on his face.

Autumn let out a small laugh ,"Holy shit. We have twins."

"Yeah, double the diaper change. Yikes."

"Randy, shut up! Don't ruin the moment."


Word count - 1021

Hoped you enjoyed!

One more chapter, decided to have a happy ending for this. I was gonna go with an angst ending but changed my mind last minute.

The next chapter is just an epilogue.

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