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"Where is he?!" Silas burst into the rileys house with Randy, Billy, and stu following closely behind.

"In the shower," Tatum replied, crossing her arms and looking at the four boys that had just entered her house without even knocking

"Is he okay? We heard what happened," Randy asked, and Tatum nodded, "Yeah, as okay as Autumn can be."

"Tat! Can you dry my hair!?" Autumn asked as he walked down the stairs. He was wearing grey sweatpants with white ankle socks and a grey sleeve shirt.

"My child!" Silas rushed over, grabbing Autumn by the shoulders , keeping him at arms length to check for any visible injuries.

Autumn only stared at him, his hair dripping wet. Luckily, with the towl around his shoulders, his shirt wasn't getting wet.

"I didn't get hurt," Autumn said, "are you sure?" Randy asked, and Autumn nodded, "Yeah. Tat, can you please dry my hair?" Autumn asked, and Tatum rolled her eyes

"Sit, and I'll get my hair dryer," Autumn smiled ,"Yay,"

Tatum soon walked upstairs to get the hair dryer ,"so, what happened?" Billy questioned, leaning against the door frame to the kitchen but also to the living room

Autumn looked at him and suddenly remembered what Jordan told him, "she's not the one he's in love with."

Could it be that Billy loved him? Or was it just a lie? Billy couldn't possibly love him. He has a girlfriend.

"Tum?" Autumn snapped out of his thoughts, clearing his throat, "I..I don't want to talk about it,"

"That's fine. You don't have to, right, Billy?" Silas said, sending a pointed look at Billy , who nodded ,"yeah,"

"Alright, stop questioning my brother," Tatum said, walking into the kitchen with the hair dryer in her hands

"Hey, you wanna play dungeons and Dragon's afterward?" Randy asked, and Autumn nodded

"Are you cheating!" Silas yelled after a few hours of playing dungeons and Dragon's.

Billy and stu had given up after three hours of playing. They just sat on the new couch, the twins and dewey mother brought after someone destroyed her last one.

They were drinking Dewey's beer, but they were careful not to spill any of it on the couch because they did not want to die, especially not over a couch.

"How can you cheat in dungeons and dragons? Just admit, I'm simply that good," Autumn said, with a small grin

"Uh-huh. Who's been teaching you how to play?" Silas questioned,

"You," Silas blinked, "what?" Autumn chuckled

"I studied your moves, your plays. I studied you over the years, and I simply used that.. against you, " Autumn told him

"You make it sound like he some kind of experiment," Randy said, with an amused chuckle

"I think my mom had him in a lab or something," Billy spoke up, and Silas glared at him, and Billy only smirked at him

"I study people. It's what I do," Autumn told them, "Oh really?" Stu asked, and Autumn nodded

"Yeah, like, for instance, did you guys know that Princple himbry has a specific time to pick his nose? It's disgusting, and I stay clear of being in the Princple office by 1: 30. Also, do you remember Janitor Fred? The dude uses toilet water to mop the bathroom floors," Autumn told them

"Wait? Do you know what everyone does at school? At what time?" Silas asked, and Autumn nodded

"You're so weird," Randy said, Billy and stu shared a look before looking at Autumn.

"So, you know what everyone does? Like everyone? Including us?" Stu asked, "Silas and Randy have sex in the janitors closet during history. You and Billy are a mystery to me,"Autumn replied

Autumn gasped, turning to Billy and stu with an excited look on his face.

"You and Billy are like batman and Robin!" He said , and Randy laughed

"More like the joker , two face,"

"Fuck you meeks,"

"Sorry, not my type. Your brother, on the other hand, is my type,"

"I will kill you,"

"Like to see you try,"
Word count - 676

Hope you enjoy!

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