Goodbye, Alaska

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As soon as Adam passed the finished line with his pack of sleigh dogs in Ferntiuktuk, Alaska, it seemed like a dream come true: like it came right out of a fairy tale book. For his loyal husky dog Shasta, it was the same way. When he crossed the finish line with the rest of the golden retriever puppies, it was a miracle and his chest was warm in pride. He couldn't help himself but to crash into the snow and wriggle around in celebration as the rest of the puppies did so as well. It was not every day that a team of golden retrievers pulled a dog sled, so this was definitely one in a billion.

Once an award was given to Adam and his team, the entire town of Ferntiuktuk rejoiced in celebration. He hugged his parents tightly. The golden retriever puppies looked on a little sadly.

"I wish Mom and Dad were here..." Mudbud muttered. The puppies whimpered.

"Buddies!" A male voice caught the puppies attention and they turned to see two golden retrievers running toward them through the snow.

"Mom! Dad!" Budderball exclaimed. The puppies couldnt contain their excitement and rushed over to them, their faces covered in their parents' kisses. Buddha was especially surprised and asked, "How did you guys find us?"

"Budderball left behind his toy on the back of an ice cream truck," their mom explained. "We knew your stomach would've gotten the best of you so we hopped in in hopes of finding you guys."

Budderball looked down, embarrassed.

"But it's okay. Now that we found you we can go back home," their dad said.

The puppies yipped in glee. Rosebud was just as excited as her brothers to go home as well, ready to be back in her warm bed with her owner again. Then she turned to look at Shasta, who watched the dogs' reunion at a distance. He seemed sad. Rosebud trotted over to him, tilting her head. "Are you okay, Shasta?" she asked quietly.

"Yeah," he said, though still sounded disappointed. "I just wish my mom and dad were here, too..."

Rosebud felt a pang in her heart for the poor puppy, as his parents lives were taken by the ice before he had the chance to meet them. She glanced over to her family, feeling guilty for leaving the husky so soon. After a while of thinking about it, she shouted to her mom and dad. "Mom! Dad!"

"What is it Rosebud?" Her mom asked.

"Can we stay just a little longer? Please?"

Her brothers looked over at her, a little confused. When they saw Shasta and how sad he looked, they knew what she was thinking. As much as they wanted to take the plane ride home to Fernfield, Washington, they wanted to make their new friend happy one last time. Thy turned to their parents and asked, "Please?"

Their mom and dad looked at each other before sighing. They then said, "Alright, Buddies. But don't go too far."

The Buddies barked in glee and bumbled over to Shasta, engaging themselves in a game of chase. Shasta yipped happily as they ran into the soft snow, bumping into each other and laughing. When her brothers were busy tagging and roughhousing with each other, Rosebud ran toward Shasta and bumped her head to his, almost making him stumble. "Hehe! Tag, you're it!"

Shasta wagged his tail about to pounce. "Not so fast, Rosebud!" He pounced at her, but Rosebud spun around and ran away, laughing. The husky sprang up out of the snow and followed her close, pouncing at her from behind. Rosebud let out a squeal of surprise and tumble into the snow. She giggled and squirmed under the husky as he laughed in triumph. "Got you!"

"Kids, it's time to go!" their dad shouted at them. Reluctantly the puppies stopped playing and made their way back up the hill. Shasta got off of Rosebud and she got up and shook off the snow from her fur. Her pink hat fell down and Shasta picked it up in his mouth and put it back on her head. "There you go," he said, "So you don't get cold."

Rosebud felt warm inside and bowed her head. "T-Thank you..."

Shasta walked Rosebud back up the hill to her parents. The Buddies turned to Shasta and said heartfelt goodbyes to him. When they were done, Shasta said, "Thank you guys for everything. You guys are the bestest friends I've ever had."

"Bye Shasta," Rosebud said. "I hope we'll see you again soon."

Shasta smiled a little. "Me too."

The Buddies gave Shasta one last hug before getting into the plane. Shasta and his owner Adam watched as the plane got up and flew away into the sky, going back to Washington. Rosebud looked out the window from the plane and watched as the Husky and the town of Ferntiuktuk turn into tiny dots, until it disappeared into the fog.

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