Feelings Rushing Back

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For the rest of the afternoon, the Buddies took a walk to the Fernfield Park to play some games before they had to return home. However, all while the dogs were playing a game of football (using Budderball's foam football toy he had since he was a puppy), Rosebud's mind was on anything but winning the game. Instead, she was thinking about Shasta.

Before, when the pups had first met the husky dog, Rosebud did have a small crush on him, and felt a little shy being around him, especially when she was put up front to pull Adam's sled with him.

Of course, she kept her head in the game for the sake of winning the race for Shasta's boy, but even then, she still had butterflies in her stomach whenever he would so much as brush past her, or give a simple compliment to her

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Of course, she kept her head in the game for the sake of winning the race for Shasta's boy, but even then, she still had butterflies in her stomach whenever he would so much as brush past her, or give a simple compliment to her. At one point in the race, she even remembered that night when the team took a rest in that man's igloo for shelter from the bitter cold, and while getting comfortable on the thick furry blankets and getting warm by the fire pit, Rosebud felt the husky cuddle up beside her, and they both fell asleep together.

Since they've been back in Fernfield, Shasta would cross Rosebud's mind every once in a while, and with doubt that she and her brothers would ever see him again, she convinced herself that they were friends and that there was no love interest there. But that obviously wasn't the case when she saw him again today, and felt those feelings rushing back to her.

"Rosebud, watch out!" Mudbud shouted all of a sudden.

Before the blonde dog could react, the foam football hit her square in the face. While it was soft and didn't cause any pain, she still fell down due to the impact and shock of being hit. Her brothers immediately rushed over to her.

"Rosebud, are you okay?" Buddha asked nervously.

"Oh no..." Budderball whimpered. "Sis, I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to, I thought that you saw it coming!"

Buddha and B-Dawg helped their sister up, while she was still a little dazed. B-Dawg then took a look at her face before turning to his siblings. "Girl is trippin'!"

Budderball slouched to the ground and covered his eyes with his paws. "Ohhhhh..."

After a few blinks, Rosebud shook her head and then stared down at Budderball. "I'm fine," she said. "Sorry, I just have a lot of my mind right now."

"Like what?" Mudbud asked, and each of her brothers waited for a response.

Embarrassed to say that she was thinking about Shasta, she shook her head again. "It doesn't matter."

"You sure?" B-Dawg asked.

"You know that we are always here to help," Buddha inquired.

"Yes, I know. Thank you, but I think I better be going home now," Rosebud said.

She watched her brothers' tails lower to the ground and they looked at each other. Budderball then said, "Yeah, we better go home too. It's getting late and dinner is probably waiting for me."

"That is true," Mudbud said.

"Let's all go home," Buddha finally concluded.

Budderball picked up his football, and together the Buddies left the park and went back to their neighborhood, where they all said goodbye to each other and went into their individual houses. Rosebud was greeted home by her girl Alice with ear scratches and pets. Although, as she followed Alice into the kitchen, Rosebud thought back to the husky, and her heart fluttered once more.

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